Believe it or not, I can both think the carnivore diet is dangerous and dumb (not to mention terrible for the environment) and also think your behaviour isn’t acceptable.
ah you just 180 degree misunderstood it, the correct interpretation is the opposite: “nuance is what separates reactionaryism from genuine discussion. so be nuanced.”
yeah no worries glad you could come around :) you don’t have to like my memes but i hate to see people misunderstand them completely and get the wrong idea
Believe it or not, I can both think the carnivore diet is dangerous and dumb (not to mention terrible for the environment) and also think your behaviour isn’t acceptable.
This picture is probably the bloody dumbest thing that I’ve seen this whole year. (I know, “whole year” = “less than a week”, but still.)
you seem super fun, like the kind of person who likes to laugh at jokes
In my times, “joke” meant something. Like your mum, she’s the joke of the whole city!
Serious now. That pic is not a joke, it’s just a really dumb image macro promoting a harmful mindset (“nuance is reactionary, so have no nuance”).
ah you just 180 degree misunderstood it, the correct interpretation is the opposite: “nuance is what separates reactionaryism from genuine discussion. so be nuanced.”
Ah, my bad. I got it wrong indeed, I read the “just because you sound like a reactionary doesn’t mean you actually are one” part as ironic.
Sorry for being on the defensive.
yeah no worries glad you could come around :) you don’t have to like my memes but i hate to see people misunderstand them completely and get the wrong idea
I also read it ironically. I’m still not sure it’s not intended ironically