He said it could be from posture and pinching a nerve or something. He knew a Chiro office that was life changing for him. But get this, the Chiro doesn’t accept insurance and it’s $75 for every 15 minutes you are with him. The first visit takes at least an hour to analyze you.
I decided to look up online what it could be. Turns out it was strain from staring at a monitor all day. I turned the backlight down and changed the color to more yellow. I also downloaded an app that controls the screen for 20 seconds every 20 minutes and forces me to be mindful and focus elsewhere. No more pain.
Chiropractors are basically pseudo-scientists. They claim to be able to do all kinds of random crap by manipulating your back, like getting rid of headaches, helping you lose weight, curing addictions, and so on.
Honestly any real doctor referring you to a chiropractor should have their medical license revoked.
I already knew that and was somewhat upset that he did that. I was going to go back for a glasses/contact exam, but I’m going to cancel it now. No real eye doctor would ever refer anyone to chiropractor for anything. Maybe in passing, but a full on referral is bonkers.
It would make sense to be referred to a chiro for actual back pain, but yeah this just makes me wonder if a physician can financially benefit from recommending patients to other physicians (as long as the recommended physician manages to profit off of the patient).
He specifically mentioned that he had been to this chiro before and it cured him of pain he was having in his leg or something. It seemed scammy.
Not to be pedantic or dismissive. But optometrists are not medics. They are a specialized kind of health technicians, like an X-ray operator or a CT scan operator. They are only there to measure visual acuity deviations and consult about lenses and vision correction tech. Ophthalmologists, on the other hand, are eye medics, consult with one and they will more likely have better counsel to deal with eyestrain. Some people could be both, but it’s very rare. Some countries demand the former to be under supervision of the latter. On some other countries optometrists practice freely. In either case, optometrists can’t provide medical advice or prescribe any form of medicine or treatment.
US based optometrists are licensed medical providers, credentialed to diagnose and treat eye disease, including prescriptions for controlled substances. They are sometimes covered by medical insurance. The major scope of practice difference is that optometrists generally may not perform invasive surgery (though there are a few states that do allow optometrists to perform LASIK or post-cataract surgery laser procedures).
There are plenty of optometrists who work in glasses/contact lens shops and that’s all they do. I wouldn’t trust them to treat eye medical issues, at the very least because that’s not what they commonly do all day. Larger optometry groups or optometrists that work in an ophthalmology group are more suited to disease care.
Ophthalmologists do have more training (they are medical doctors first with a 3-4 year eye specialty and sometimes a 1-2 year Fellowship training for subspecialists).
The more you know …***✨⭐
Even medical professionals can fall for charlatans if the placebo effect worked on them.
There is one near me that claims they can cure seasonal allergies.
Sneezes are stored in the spine.
They are half covered by our insurance because sometimes they can help. The electro stimulation of muscles and what not for sports injuries.
I had some neck pain. They ask questions ( that sometimes doctors gloss over because they sometimes treat symptoms not the person). So chiro asks how I got here today (motorcycle), and what’s my exercise regime like (powerlifting). So while a doctor might prescribe pain meds and mri of neck, chiro suggests to me could be weight of motorcycle helmet during gear shifts, but also asked specifics about weight lifting sets and order. Then made a recommendation to change the order. They suggested that doing certain heavy lifts first fatigued all muscle groups involved, meaning smaller exercise after was struggling to work effectively with proper form. They suggested moving the small target exercise first till fatigue, then the larger exercise. Also did the muscle elctro impulse stuff.
Neck pain did go away. Not sure which thing solved it though.
To be fair, headaches in particular CAN be linked to muscle strain in the back and neck. BUT a physiotherapist or medical masseuse (is that a thing in English?) will take care of that, and not a charlatan.
These may be chiros, but they’re also quacks. Are you hating the chiro part or the quack part, if you had to choose one?
That’s the great thing! You don’t have to choose! You can hate both…