Also known as snooggums on and

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Yeah, leading with the important part so the reat of it has context seems to work a lot better for a lot more people in my experience. Especially in your example where you are trying to front load the thing to do followed by the thing not to do. That way they don’t jump to speculation halfway through the sentence :)

    On a somewhat nonscientifically aupported personal observation, if the sentence structure has a ‘but’ in the middle the audience is very likely to start mentally guessing what is coming up and will have more trouble listening to what it being said. It can often sound like a rug pulling moment, where what they thought was true is suddenly switched up and most people don’t like that. So if thinking ahead it is better to reverse a sentence like in that example to avoid the middle ‘but’.

  • You guys are having conversations where someone gets to the point at the beginning?

    I usually get a meandering barely tangential story that is supposed to be context but is irrelevant and gets in the way of communicating their simple point.

    “snooggums, are you able to take off work tomorrow? I was walking the dog and ran into Cindy. You know Cindy, Bob’s daughter? She went to Kansas State and majored in chemistry, but was never that into it. Anyway, so Cindy was talking about how they painted their house last year and the contractor wasn’t someone you would want to work with because when she talked to them he said that he wasn’t sure that the work was going well and he wanted to follow up to discuss the work with him. But then he said that it was ok and it all worked out. On the way back the dog had a limp, can you take her to the vet?”

    Sorry, you have to picture a similar meandering explanation for something as that whole story has filled my brain for the morning.

  • That would be something the company would need to answer.

    I know a regular bank would need records for at least 7 years after closing an account so they have a record the account was closed, even if you had no other activity. An online account might need to be deactivated or closed or whatever term they use for ‘can’t do anything with the account’ for 7 years if they treat that like closing an account.

    Contacting their support would be the only way to get a clear answer on their policy and how it applies to your account, and then talk to a lawyer if you don’t agree with their policy.

  • A common legal requirement for record keeping is 7 years in the US, as they noted in the quote, although some types of records may need to be kept longer. We are not 7 years out from 2018, so still within that standard window.

    I have no idea if there is a way around it, and a lawyer would be the right person to provide advice.

    As for changing 2fa when you no longer have the phone, the best you can do without a lawyer is contact their support and escalate to a supervisor if they don’t have a way to update that ready to go. First level support will generally not be able to handle that kind of thing, so be ready to escalate. No need tonstart off with any legal threats, just plainly state what the situation is and hownimportant it is to you and there is a high chance of getting the 2fa updated even if you can’t get the account closed.

  • “Procedures were followed and it doesn’t matter if the evidence used to convict was reliable.” is the opposite of justice.

    And that is before this gem:

    Hilton also rejected Williams and Bell’s other claims, including that Williams’s previous attorneys were ineffective in representing him at trial, and that Larner had struck people from the pool of potential jurors on Williams’s case because they were Black, which is unconstitutional. During the hearing, Jonathan Potts, who is working with Williams’s attorneys at the Midwest Innocence Project, pressed Larner about his stated decision to strike one potential juror because the man “looked very similar” to Williams. Larner said that what he meant was that they looked like “brothers,” he said. “Like familial brothers, not like Black people.”

    Lamer would be able to know if they were related, so the only reason for excluding the juror is racism.