Since I could not find a decent quality template for this, I made my own:
Well, I don’t block every mod simply for being a mod. Just the toxic ones. So you are safe
…for now
TIL that Janeway is a mod… (based on the trail of bodies she leaves behind her?)
We are the Borg. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Resistance is futile.
I am the Janeway. I will add your drones to my crew and parts to my ship. Please resist, or else this won’t be any fun!? ☺️
Why are you a mod?
Blocking people who cause you unnecessary grief is always the right move. Their energysuck is not worth it.
My blocklist is crazy long since I block all collaborators and changelings. Also anyone talking like a Romulan or anyone who speaks without honor…straight to the blocklist.
Teft, his block list long.