Aha, I knew it! Flight attendants get paid per ‘flight’ hour and the pilots get bonuses to reduce the amount of time the attendants are paid for. That’s fucked up
Pay is usually per flight hour, but also paid on a block-or-better basis. The minimum pay for completing a leg is the scheduled time, but if there are delays, then actual time from parking brake to parking brake is paid
Southwest Airlines pays their pilots a bonus for every minute they block in early.
Guess who has a reputation for bugging ATC for shortcuts and taxiing really fast.
Aha, I knew it! Flight attendants get paid per ‘flight’ hour and the pilots get bonuses to reduce the amount of time the attendants are paid for. That’s fucked up
Pay is usually per flight hour, but also paid on a block-or-better basis. The minimum pay for completing a leg is the scheduled time, but if there are delays, then actual time from parking brake to parking brake is paid
This a fwd model? Get me some McDonald’s trays, I’m gonna show atc a cool trick
Oh, that’s better than I assumed