I mean…a steam engine is a heat engine that uses steam to transfer heat. So you can make a steam engine by getting basically anything “really hot” and running steam through it. This is the working principle behind solar thermal power plants (but not solar panels!). I.e., you don’t necessarily need coal or even a fossil fuel to build a steam engine.
Steampunk is powered by magical non-heated water vapor motors rule.
I mean…a steam engine is a heat engine that uses steam to transfer heat. So you can make a steam engine by getting basically anything “really hot” and running steam through it. This is the working principle behind solar thermal power plants (but not solar panels!). I.e., you don’t necessarily need coal or even a fossil fuel to build a steam engine.
Yes, but the whole aesthetic of steam punk is fantastical machines that operate on Victorian-era technology, which would be coal-fire steam engines.
But if you put mirrors or magnifying glass as the heat source you lean too much towards solarpunk :)
If you do enough annoying wordplay to cause enough people to boil over with anger you can get Punpunk.
But what feeds your punpunk motors? Gleecerine?
Yeah but make sure you get the high mocktane stuff, too weak and you end up with punypunk.
Steampunk implies extremely polluting industrialized and unbathed Victorian slave labor rule.