Calm down:


From the Beeb:

Participants in new research by the University of Cambridge and Nottingham Trent University said they thought people with some regional accents were more likely to behave in certain ways.

Of the 10 accents studied, Glaswegians were perceived as most likely to stand up for someone who was being harassed, people with Scouse accents were seen as most likely to commit crimes and people with Standard Southern British English accents were viewed as most likely to report a relative to the police for a minor offence.

In Britain, the biases people have about certain accents largely come down to class, sociolinguists say.

Dr Cole, a lecturer at the University of Essex, says there is a “hierarchy of accents” in the UK, with accents from industrialised urban areas like Glasgow and Birmingham often seen as low status. “Accent prejudice maps onto societal prejudice,” she says.

    2 months ago

    Because who would want to talk like those six-fingered, web-footed, inbred, lieing, cheating, thieving, funny-talking scum from the town on the other side of that river, half a mile away?