I know there was some schism and moving of instances, but beyond that I can’t deduce what happened/is happening.

    • anon6789@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      I mean, most of us came here because we didn’t want people to tell us what we could or couldn’t do other places.

      Why do people want to tell this person they can’t be a dinosaur dragon if it isn’t hurting anything?

      Again, read drag’s comments and not the pronouns of they bother you, and they are quite typical. If people didn’t go on the offensive against them, they wouldn’t particularly stand out from most others’ comments. And that’s not to say I feel drag is the one that needs to knock it off, I feel it’s a hang up on the receiver’s end of things.

      You won’t find me insulting anyone here because while there are people here I’m not fans of, it’s not my place to tell them to get lost. I ignore them, or block them if it’s too much to ignore.