This is a exceptionally well written, and cited, review of medical literature - the strength of research, and everything! It has references!
If your interested in the food cancer link, here is a great place to start.
TLDR - Sugar is pretty bad for you, Fructose is pretty bad for you, Seed oils are pretty bad for you… ASF and Fat has been vilified for the evil sugar and processed food have done.
The article was written by a MD, and reviewed by another MD. Every claim cites direct papers. Please feel free to be skeptical and verify everything, just don’t be dismissive.
TLDR : Food is medicine. Whole foods, not processed foods are best. Anything from a factory (in boxes, wrapped in plastic, or seed oils/vegetable oils) is not really great food.
The vilification of ASF (animal source foods) is not from strong science but very weak “associations” in large observational studies - which should only be used as the basis of stronger research - not to change people’s diets.
Is everything we eat associated with cancer? A systematic cookbook review
This is the core weakness of observational studies, if you slice your data, you can find an association with ANYTHING!!!