Anyone think it’s strange there’s hardly been ANY sightings of the big kids in awhile? Where are they? Have they went to their dads full time or something?
There was another time I thought their absence was very questionable. It seemed she was all about L and M coming to visit and the other two were nowhere to be found.
Don’t worry though, she’ll see this and make a big show of being a mom taxi this weekend or something.
You were right. Yesterday, there was a sighting of B and a mention of G! lol
She’s very predictable 😂
They’re hopefully sick of her shit! Why would they want to hang around that smelly sack of a husband of hers!
I always wonder if they go off to their dads even if it isn’t his week when she goes away or if they stay with Shame.
It is so difficult for Birdshit to comprehend not everything is about her.
Such a narcissist.
Christ I’ve never seen a grosser “mommy” influencer more full of themselves. Fuck off shitbag, you’re not a celebrity and you’re a terrible mother.
Ugh that same stupid face she makes every time she is an idiot, like with the avocado bodily fluid BS
People are downvoting the discussion thread! 🤷
Hubby has nothing better to do, now that he’s left all alone…again. NK has nothing better to do when she’s not looking after her grandkid. the shine crew and NB are home from Disney, with nothing better to do. Big boss babe is alone in her hotel. Like make it less obvious guys
Make what less obvious? I’m not part of this community and have no idea who she is but it’s shown up in the All feed lol - what’s going on? :o
The Horizontal Shame at it again!
I think you need to unpin the old one, and pin this one instead.
Imagine holding up your phone to film yourself while brushing your teeth? Like who does this shit? Show the “fancy” toothbrush when you’re done if it’s that important to you.
Imagine coming home on a Monday, and then admitting on a Saturday to 2+ million people and bots that you only unpacked now to get your dirty jeans out, because you’re in the mood to show your stretch marks. And everyone knows you don’t have a job, but have 24/7 childcare.
She’s sooooo lazy. She sat on the sofa all week, why didn’t she unpack and do laundry?
And now she has trauma from almost washing her eagles sweater which I bet she didn’t, she just wanted a dumb story to tell.
She’s such a fucking idiot
The state of RR’s closet made my jaw drop.
They are such losers - perpetually 13 years old, she and Sarah are lucky to have found each other. Renee is such a sponge and so empty she’s mirroring Sarah and I don’t think she even see it. There is imitation as flattery and there there is being so insecure and void of any self - that’s what Renee is doing.
This mess in her closet and then complaining on the internet about washing her fake hair. I don’t know how these woman sleep at night. They are idiots. And gross.
That’s really interesting because we know Sarah doesn’t have her own personality either. She mimics the speech patterns she consumes on IG and mines it for interests so Renee is mirroring someone who isn’t real. They are both just empty shells.
This isn’t the flex she thinks it is. This is disgusting
I gasped!
Ariana was feeling left out.
Everything is really hard for these women. 🙄
These women are such losers
How the hell do people not get bored with the same stretch mark gut post over and over. Jesus Christ.
I’d rather be bigger and fit than thin and a melted ice cream cone (her words). But that’s just me 🤷🏽♀️. You can tell in thay video especially, how she has lost weight rapidly with zero exercise. She has zero muscle tone and is just turning into a pile of flesh.
The algorithm picks up headless, sloppy flesh being jiggled. She knows this. Her post today screams desperation.
Everything about her is desperate.
Why would anyone want a review of a product with hair that looks like… that.
Crispy horse hair is trending in 2025
But be sure to rip through it carelessly with a brush. While it’s damp. Wtf. Sounded ghastly.
She only put the product in her extensions!?! Why? She talks like all of that hair actually grows out of her head.
She lies to herself. She’s a nut case.
What a shit AD 😂
She is TERRIBLE at her job!!! I can’t believe brands use her.
That hair!! It’s so so bad! Fried, white, dry, crying for help. How can she not see (and surely FEEL) this
Dude her blonde is SO trashy!!! Ffs her stylist needs help.
Lmao this is perfect
Lmao it’s legit the same hair texture!!
Jfc wicked AGAIN?!?!?!? They watch it literally every single day. Obviously kids deserve entertainment but do they do anything educational with this kid? Good lord what a life.
I love that Sarah went with a millennial decor style that’s already dated.
Willing to bet money the poor prison child doesn’t get enrolled in JK! God forbid she catches a cold
I wish shame would put his foot down, be a father and take initiative like when he wanted her to see a speech therapist but I’ve gotten the sense he’s kinda checked out and given up. Poor kid deserves so much better.
Life gets harder once they’re in school. They have to be up, dressed, fed and out the door. I’m positive 🍋 eats her meals at Nana’s. The little ones are often grumpy after a day at school so they’d have to deal with that as well as keeping on top of the school calendar and the special spirit week things as well as liaising with the teacher. That’s too much for these two useless parents. They might just keep her sheltered at Nana K’s for another year.
It is weird she isn’t posting about checking out JKs, etc. Or is it too early in the year for that in Guelph?
Ariana registered her kids in January. I’m assuming Bird isn’t putting her kid in school because we know damn well she would have posted about it with toilet poetry and fake tears.
Kindergarten registration started in January. I keep hoping she’ll enroll L. in school too!
It’s actually insane.
Why is that dumb fcuking porch ornament still inside the house… why doesn’t she want to show off her super cool goose to the neighbours
No filter or filler here 🤣. Why does Sarah only wear her tiny tops at home?
She’s really feeling herself today in her jeans and crop top looking like a size 4.
Why is her top on when she’s cooking. 😂
🤣 There’s probably nothing in the pot! 🥴
That’s literally what I was thinking lol it didn’t look like anything and she usually brags about her “recipes”.
😂 😂
Is she trying to look Asian now?? Those eyes do NOT slant upward IRL.
I think she’s channeling Tori Spelling.
Tori and Sarah are starting to twin. I love this for Sarah.
She always keeps the bag slung on the shoulder facing the camera - it adds to the illusion. I will say this is a much better dress choice than her usual. She must have figured out this brand likes more class than crass so she’s playing the part.
Gets a new dress for this? Jesus she’s vapid.
Hard to tell because the pic is dark but the dress doesn’t look like it’s fitting well 🤷♀️ Also she can try and convince everyone that the lipstick is a winner but it looks like trash. Lastly does this Ho have her nips out for this event? The no bra wonder strikes again?
Couldn’t imagine being on the payroll of an undergarments company and legit never wearing a bra to events. Like nobody needs to see your nips poking out.
She’s spoken about her nipples being her “hot zone” for sexual activity; it makes her parading them around a little unsettling.
I bet it tickles her fancy, surprised she didn’t have a half naked bed video last night bc she loves posting weird videos in hotels. Although she did have some no shirt bathroom content.
Weird how she went all the way to France with Sasha and Glam and there is no pics of them from last night?
So ironic she wears a bra as a shirt a lot of the time and then doesn’t wear one in these cases
I’m not saying it’s a great dress - it just covers most of her body and that’s unusual for her!
Definitely! I think she has to try harder especially if she’s around the likes of Sasha
Fuck sake. You really giving yourself a pass? You lazy sack of shit, you literally DO NOTHING and you’re giving yourself grace for your “laundry battle” which quite frankly consists of all your vacation laundry. Because your smelly slob husband literally doesn’t work, your imprisoned child goes nowhere and your big kids (hopefully) left your empty home to go live with their dad. Make it make sense 🤦🏻♀️
“I signed up for everyone having clean clothes available” ??? Well aren’t you a saint. Her big kids can’t do their own laundry? I was def doing small loads of my own laundry at their ages, but I’ve come to the conclusion they have zero responsibilities around the house. God forbid you need to wash your youngests clothes, like wtf??? I’m sure majority of the laundry bin is her own mess anyways.
She really does need props for everything she does. I’m sick as a dog right now, pregnant and I just finished folding a load of laundry and put in a load of laundry that I’ll proceed to also fold and put away when it’s done. Guess what though? I’m not gonna get on social media and ask for accolades for it, I’m just doing it bc it’s part of life.
👏 👏 👏 👏 She probably doesn’t ever do the laundry. NK probably called in sick.
I thought that too, I bet NK washes all of L’s clothes.
She’s such a loser.
You’ve got this mama 💪🏼
Thank you 🩷
I hope you feel better! 💐
Thank you 🩷🩷🩷
I detest it when she said she’s ’giving herself grace’. It’s bullshit. She does less than nothing and can’t even complete a task that every, fully-functioning adults does. She can put in a load of laundry and then go sit on her ass. It’s not hard. She’s not scrubbing the clothes on a washboard or using a wringer washer FFS
What a stupid fucken face
Looked at some of these comments from the big sister post - this is all too weird. It’s the Sarah show and they get to be a part of it. Please discuss - it’s making my brain hurt that they are all this far up her ass. Is this normal friendship? Girlhood is togetherness, respect and support I don’t think it’s picking your queen and circling her like a cult.
It’s really weird, the idolization. I think Sarah has assembled this group of friends because she knows they feel less than her. Sarah only hangs out with women who have low self-esteem. The women may be successful, Joanna, for example. However, they all talk about not fitting in. When Sarah is around anyone who has confidence, she shrinks. This girl group idolize Sarah because she’s the boldest of their sad little bunch. Think of Sarah in Mexico when she was around Valeria or in Miami around all the SI models she shrunk. When she’s around Alicia Mccarvell, Sarah is a bold bitch. She’s a mean girl.
“I stayed in the background just to observe and let Sarah be with her friends” good lord how pathetic.
This isn’t like any friendship I’ve experienced as an adult. There are children who need to be the centre of attention but you teach them to share the world and the spotlight. Sarah doesn’t seem to have received this message at any point in her life. It doesn’t sound like she made any effort to make her sister feel part of the group. And ‘gosh, darn’ WTF is that?
A lot of talk about emotions for someone who isn’t emotional. The performance is gross.
I agree, it’s all so bizarre! And S. isn’t even a likeable person so what’s with all of the worshipping from these other women?
For the love of all that is good and holy 🤦🏻♀️
How does Sarah manage to make everything look dumpy?
Right? Her “style” is 🤮
You spelled “the living room is her prison” wrong
This poor child. A mother who is always gone and away and the same same same same same same same same movie
It’s truly overkill
I’m sorry but when her man speaks it gives JVN. If the he wants to be a whisky connoisseur he might want to actually talk about it.