Judy Cho interviews Dr Paul Mason in a wide ranging and interesting conversation. Learn why the Masai have high rates of autoimmune disease , why omega 6 fats in grain fed meat are not a problem and why carnivores might have high HbA1c levels.

*Dr Mason has now learnt that low angle shots are not flattering, and will not rest his phone on the desk again (technical issues were experienced with the internet).

More about Judy can be found at her website: nutritionwithjudy.com .

0:00 Intro
0:44 Thoughts on saturated fats and seed oils
9:57 Seed oils and diabetes 
16:18 PUFAs in meats and HbA1c 
24:00 Study on corn and antinutrients absorption
28:07 Seed oil study
31:01 Thoughts on carbohydrates for athletes
41:56 Thoughts on SHBG and testosterone
44:34 Thoughts on thyroid markers
49:10 Dairy and casomorphin
56:07 Calcium on a carnivore diet
1:00:08 Thoughts on glucose that feeds the brain
1:08:20 Where to find Dr. Paul Mason
1:10:02 Outro
  • jetOPMA
    1 month ago

    Interesting discussion about pbf sterols.

    omega 6 fats are not inherently harmful, the oxidized fats are harmful.

    i.e. in ASF if the food oxidizes we call it rancid, and we wont eat it. But for PBFs and oils they are stabilized we don’t have the same rejection response to the oxidation.

    Interesting theory about omega-6 being a surrogate marker for seed oil consumption, so when we see the bad effects of omega-6 in people we also need to consider the oxidation as a cause of their health, not just the omega-6.

    study? (which study) healthy people remove oxidative stress from oils in 8 hours, but poorly controlled diabetics take 72 hours to remove the oxidate stress.

    Therefor grain feed meat is ok, but low on omega-3, k2, d

    hba1c on carnivore may be elevated, if its a concern use a CGM to verify. due to extended lifecycle of red blood cell on carnivore - oxidative stress kills blood cells, so a low stress diet has longer lived blood cells, so the hba1c is looking at a older population of blood cells

    Wow, old reference, 1931! doi.org/10.1001/jama.1931.02730200061030 Full book here: https://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/book/lookupid?key=olbp80633

    Studies of Nutrition: The Physique and Health of Two African Tribes.

    This is a contribution to knowledge concerning the relation of diet to physique and to health. The two tribes selected for this investigation were chosen because of the fact that, although their territories were adjoining, their dietary customs were different, “the Akikuyu being almost exclusively vegetarian and the Masai chiefly carnivorous.” The field work in this investigation covered such categories as chemical analysis of all foods in common use, articles of diet in the raw state, cooked foods, edible earths, physical examination of both adults and children, and clinical observations. Additional features of this study pertain to laboratory and hospital work dealing with the adequacy of hospital and prison diets, the effect of additions to the diet of various seemingly desirable supplements, feeding tests with prescribed diets on four groups each of forty boys, and blood studies dealing particularly with calcium and phosphorus content, sugar tolerance, ph and alkali reserve,

    Dairy - Casomorphine - Dairy causes constipation. 80% of Dairy is casin, which can trigger autoimmune issues in some people. Casin and gluten cross react for extra impact.

    40% of the dry weight of bone is a protein, collagen.

    Key to carnivore is having fatty cuts of meat, lean meat leads to problems on a carnivore intervention.

    Children are born in a state of ketosis

    Its not possible to get over fat adapted