DAITA: Defence Against AI-guided Traffic Analysis. Which one of these would consider to be the best option for privacy? I can’t have both on at the same time.
DAITA: Defence Against AI-guided Traffic Analysis. Which one of these would consider to be the best option for privacy? I can’t have both on at the same time.
Only a few server support d a i t a, so if you enable it, your traffic is routing to a few servers on the entire planet. So it’s very slow
I did poke around a bit more and found that I didn’t have the direct mode on, so it was hopping around. Switching that on and doing a direct connection made it much better, like 50Mbps. But that’s still only 25%-ish of the regular speed, whereas I thought it’d be about 50%. But way better than like 2% of the original speed which is what I had before lol.