I am a Turbolift. Yay!
Nope sorry,
Elevator stuck.
To the Jefferies tubes!
So’s your face!
I sent it straight to engineering
I scrolled them up to the bridge like five times. I’m going to go back and do it some more now.
Thanks to your efforts, the turbolift kept going and caused a hull breach.
To the bilge, you say?
Needs background music, with a beat.
Is this from Time’s Arrow Part 1?
I know that Star Trek and X-Men had a crossover book, but I don’t remember the Star Trek crew showing up in [https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/X-Men_%26_Spider-Man:_Time’s_Arrow_Book_1:_The_Past](the Time’s Arrow trilogy).
edit: Boy, my client can be unreliable about links. If this doesn’t display properly for you, I guess pretend it does? I don’t really know how to fix it. Please enjoy my nerdy joke/reference regardless.
I like this, it’s very creative! Have an up vote and a comment, OP!
This is brilliant!
Troi was hot.