This was during a Q&A after he spoke about Palestine years ago. You still see many liberals and so-called “leftists” (who are really just libs) crying like this girl. People act like fascists then cry when people call them what they are.

  • Justice@lemmygrad.mlOP
    1 year ago

    I broadly agree with you, especially concerning federal positions. State and local which have little/no say in foreign aid/policy and have much more direct and tangible effects day to day are still worthwhile in trying to sway (during primaries) and voting for the lesser sack of shit in the actual elections. But on the federal level with reps and senators and the president, all I can imagine we can really do is the same thing which is always suggested… form or join leftist groups which have as an explicit agenda item “end apartheid in Palestine” and it should probably be further spelled out that the group will never sponsor or endorse anyone who accepts a single dollar of PAC money originating from any sort of pro-Israel lobbies. The problem is, of course, as sad as it is to admit, Americans simply just don’t care about Palestinians. From racism against Arabs and hatred for Islam, to some absolutely bonkers ideas of Armageddon and whatever the fuck else people think, the end result is, they just don’t care. If the US was personally flying bombers over Gaza and leveling it, they might care a tiny amount more, but still generally, since it’s Arabs and Muslims dying, they won’t care. And if you do care you’re ignored (best scenario) or called an antisemite, ostracized from politics, maybe worse depending on how hard you pushed and who heard it. The ability for Americans to totally disengage from politics and act purely as observers, as if our government doesn’t cause almost all the problems in the world, is very disheartening. Things seem to slowly be coming back down to earth though…maybe…the US is getting stretched too thin and sooner or later, hopefully sooner, some policies and actions will become untenable. Unfortunately I think dropping the occupation of Palestine will be very low on the list of things to drop ie not happening until the US military fully collapses. Honestly just rambling at this point. I just hate most of my countrymen so much. Being ignorant or saying nothing is one thing, but the posts and comments and focus on the wrong “victims” I’ve seen in the past couple days is ripping my brain to shreds. Complete media and government consensus to “ok” the full extermination of people…

      1 year ago

      I would have to respectfully disagree that it is acceptable to vote Democrat at the local level. The local level is the base upon which the rest of the pyramid of a party rests. By reinforcing the uniparty at the base you stabilize it at the higher levels.

      Furthermore, it is precisely because the local level is where you can make the most difference that you should vote for third parties, because there they actually have a chance of winning seats. If we are to engage in electoral tactics, and i think we are still in a phase where that avenue of struggle cannot and should not be completely neglected, then we must do it intelligently and build up the political power and mass appeal of parties that challenge the corporate, warmongering uniparty starting from the ground level.