I really need a new word for it. Hate isn’t right, detest is too little, loath feels dormant… I need a word to describe the roiling plasma of rage that rests in my heart.
When anger and disgust combine, you get contempt. And while the word doesn’t sound super impactful, contempt is one of the strongest emotions, and one that is often deeply rooted in your sense of identity. Because if you hold genuine contempt for something, it’s usually because it flies in the face of your core personal values. It’s an emotion that makes it difficult to even function properly when you’re near the target of your contempt; It’s the kind of emotion that drives people to violence.
Infuriated? Disgusted to the point of destruction? I mirror your sentiment, I can’t help but be so incredibly angry all the time, it’s really hard to focus or direct that energy anymore. Also love a cthulhu mythos reference, nice name.
I really need a new word for it. Hate isn’t right, detest is too little, loath feels dormant… I need a word to describe the roiling plasma of rage that rests in my heart.
Revolutionary fervor?
When anger and disgust combine, you get contempt. And while the word doesn’t sound super impactful, contempt is one of the strongest emotions, and one that is often deeply rooted in your sense of identity. Because if you hold genuine contempt for something, it’s usually because it flies in the face of your core personal values. It’s an emotion that makes it difficult to even function properly when you’re near the target of your contempt; It’s the kind of emotion that drives people to violence.
Despise? Disgusted by? Hmmm…
Infuriated? Disgusted to the point of destruction? I mirror your sentiment, I can’t help but be so incredibly angry all the time, it’s really hard to focus or direct that energy anymore. Also love a cthulhu mythos reference, nice name.