Yeah, westerners who are ideologically committed to neoliberalism can no longer fully convince themselves that liberalism is The Way, The Light, and The Truth, like they used to, because the counter evidence is on their door step. So now they have to apply the political reasoning they developed watching marvel movies and reading Harry Potter to explain the current situation in terms of evil bad guys threatening the sacred status quo.
Just left a nearly an identical explanation. Refreshed and saw this comment. Well said. Fascism is Imperialism turned inward.
Yeah, westerners who are ideologically committed to neoliberalism can no longer fully convince themselves that liberalism is The Way, The Light, and The Truth, like they used to, because the counter evidence is on their door step. So now they have to apply the political reasoning they developed watching marvel movies and reading Harry Potter to explain the current situation in terms of evil bad guys threatening the sacred status quo.