I have been programming in Rust for about 8 years now. I love the language. But I feel I have some confessions I must make.
I don’t know if I use tabs or spaces in my final code. I just assume that it all get solved correctly by cargo fmt. I don’t even understand that people have been arguing about this for real? I vaguely remember this being important in C and C++, but I am hoping I never go back to those dark days.
I never do linebreaks, not even when adding my semicolons. I hit “:w” and if shit doesn’t move around on my screen, I fucked up somewhere.
The only lifetime I ever use is '_, 'a or 'static otherwise I give up
Wtf is the 'de lifetime in serde deserialize??
Rocket is the best web server
I actively chose software written in Rust over other software, even if it’s not better, and I argue that it is.
Okay, got that of my chest. Never dared telling anyone this before. Feels scary
But seriously, I don’t have much Rust proficiency and I still pick software in Rust because 1. installing and updating rust itself and things installed with it is a bliss; and 2. the CLI experience of Rust programs tends to be much better than alternatives.
Contrasting that with installing something with Go, which is a common alternative for things written in Rust:
gvm list
works, but to list versions for download it’sgvm listall
instead ofgvm list --all
)Now for Rust:
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs/ | sh
cargo install cargo-update
to update everything else withcargo install-update -a