What are your experiences?

The vast majority of people I know who do lchf don’t do it because they read about it, or because of media. Every one of them, every single one of them, including the doctors, had a problem that they couldn’t fix so they tried it out of desperation… And it worked.

“Everyone has a million problems until they have a health issue, then they have one problem”

That is why people are so invested in the science, and why we don’t care if it’s unpopular, it fixes problems that are unfixable…

My direct experiences

  • fixed my high blood pressure, eczema, weight
  • reversed my friends type 2 diabetes (now insulin free)
  • resolves my other friends monthly migraine headaches (low carb plus potassium)
  • reduced my other other friends gout events (cgm, plus reducing carb spikes)
  • helped yet another friend resolve their PCOS after 4 months

That’s 5 lives it’s improved in otherwise unfixable situations… And that is just my direct 1:1 experience

What experiences have you had or seen?

  • jetOPMA
    11 days ago

    Admittedly the nutrition space is very polarized, filled with almost fanatical zeal. It can be difficult to have rational and productive discussion without triggering passions and talking past each other. That’s why I’m so excited every time good high quality science gets published.

    Personally I don’t care what nutritional plan people follow, but if they have problems I want them to know there is a viable option for them.

    It would be great if doctors screen for insulin resistance annually, to catch people early before it becomes a big problem.

  • FiveMacs@lemmy.ca
    11 days ago

    Since being on keto for the last month and a half… my energy levels have increased, depression decreased, lost 10-15 lbs (water fluctuations) with no additional exercising. I don’t feel like literal garbage after eating a high carb/sugar meal.

    Overall, I’ve had zero downsides and only positive things about no carbs and sugar.