So you’re saying that you’re jonesing so hard for vol 19 that you get the hibee jebees every time you hear the word “crimson”? I think I’ll try to have some fun with that. ;)
Not just Crimson. Nano , Mile and Average also trigger me.
It’s been a very hard these last weeks.
I have done my performance reviews for work and the number of times I have had to say Average. I was crying when telling one of my team members they are doing below Average and would not be getting a bonus. They were upset but I was the one crying.
I also had to renew my car insurance, having to calculate the yearly AverageMiles driven.
You’ve probably seen this coming from a mile away, but I wanted to somehow force the word crimson into my posts, but now I’m feeling like a bully. I solemnly vow that I will not succumb to my base instincts and now say it. Maybe that moves my basic humanity level a nanometer from the average scale.
Reincarnated as a Sword - Volume 04
I have continued with sword this week.
High point - Fran continues to make friend
Low point - Everywhere I go there’s a reminder of her…
Is that an Average Abilities reference?
Yes, Volume 19 ebook where out thou?
Don’t know if the author meant it as one but I am taking it as that.
So you’re saying that you’re jonesing so hard for vol 19 that you get the hibee jebees every time you hear the word “crimson”? I think I’ll try to have some fun with that. ;)
Not just Crimson. Nano , Mile and Average also trigger me.
It’s been a very hard these last weeks.
I have done my performance reviews for work and the number of times I have had to say Average. I was crying when telling one of my team members they are doing below Average and would not be getting a bonus. They were upset but I was the one crying.
I also had to renew my car insurance, having to calculate the yearly Average Miles driven.
Looking for a nano USB.
I need to get a therapist.
You’ve probably seen this coming from a mile away, but I wanted to somehow force the word crimson into my posts, but now I’m feeling like a bully. I solemnly vow that I will not succumb to my base instincts and now say it. Maybe that moves my basic humanity level a nanometer from the average scale.