Mercedes and the Waning Moon: The Dungeoneering Feats of a Discarded Vampire Aristocrat Volume 1 - I like it. It’s very formulaic but changes some bits and bobs of the formula here and there, making it an interesting read. It’s like a cover version of an overused song. You recognize the tune but never heard a screamo version of it. The most noteworthy thing about it though is that there is a scene where MC (a little girl) fights and her armor gets shredded until she is fighting in her underwear. No illustration. I know, right? Mind. Blown.
The Tanaka Family Reincarnates: Volume 1 - This one is confusing to me since there is an entire 5-head family worth of names to remember all at once with all of them having their pre-isekai names, their post-isekai names and their nicknames they use with each other. Add in all the names of the side characters and I’m mostly paging back to remember who the fuck “Peyta” was. Then there is the lolicon brother (acknowledged as such in-universe. I.e. the sister calling him outright “pedo scum” and he’s proudly declaring himself a lolicon) that is trying to hook up with 6 year olds. Similar to Mushoku Tensei, this is played off more like a joke for comedic effect. This is simply not a “ha ha #justLoliconThings how funny” situation. While it’s not a main plot point and is maybe only 1-2% of the novel, it still isn’t sitting well with me. There were things that I liked, for example, a chapter from the view of one of the family pets, but those lolicon 1-2% are really pulling the good parts down. I’m not sure yet if I give the second volume a chance.
The Frontier Lord Begins with Zero Subjects: Volume 7 - A sweet and heartwarming vacation volume. Nothing much really happens plot wise but the strangest thing happened. Or happened again to be precise. There was another girl’s bathing scene and there wasn’t any fan service or illustration of it. It’s starting to get really unnerving for me. It’s like there is something really bad just around the corner waiting for me to lower my guard. I can literally taste it.
Reincarnated as a Sword - Volume 04
I have continued with sword this week.
High point - Fran continues to make friend
Low point - Everywhere I go there’s a reminder of her…
“We’re an adventuring party, the Crimson Maidens.
Is that an Average Abilities reference?
Yes, Volume 19 ebook where out thou?
Don’t know if the author meant it as one but I am taking it as that.
So you’re saying that you’re jonesing so hard for vol 19 that you get the hibee jebees every time you hear the word “crimson”? I think I’ll try to have some fun with that. ;)
Not just Crimson. Nano , Mile and Average also trigger me.
It’s been a very hard these last weeks.
I have done my performance reviews for work and the number of times I have had to say Average. I was crying when telling one of my team members they are doing below Average and would not be getting a bonus. They were upset but I was the one crying.
I also had to renew my car insurance, having to calculate the yearly Average Miles driven.
Looking for a nano USB.
I need to get a therapist.
You’ve probably seen this coming from a mile away, but I wanted to somehow force the word crimson into my posts, but now I’m feeling like a bully. I solemnly vow that I will not succumb to my base instincts and now say it. Maybe that moves my basic humanity level a nanometer from the average scale.