trump literally is a ‘billionaire’. wtf are you even talking about. Hes a felon. wtf are you even talking about. hes a felon. wtf are you even talking about! he shits on a golden toilet for crying out loud. he bragged about his tower being tallest after 9/11 for crying out loud. Hes literally a wall street billionaire who owned fucking casinos (and bankrupted them)
its morons like you that fucked us, i’d say get your thumb out of your ass but really its your own dick. you ‘both shides are the shame’ stupid assholes fucked us.
trump literally is a ‘billionaire’. wtf are you even talking about. Hes a felon. wtf are you even talking about. hes a felon. wtf are you even talking about! he shits on a golden toilet for crying out loud. he bragged about his tower being tallest after 9/11 for crying out loud. Hes literally a wall street billionaire who owned fucking casinos (and bankrupted them)
its morons like you that fucked us, i’d say get your thumb out of your ass but really its your own dick. you ‘both shides are the shame’ stupid assholes fucked us.