Andrew Cuomo and Bill Clinton both have a lengthy list of sexual misconduct allegations against them. But as long as they’re politically useful, top Democrats don’t seem to care.
Andrew Cuomo and Bill Clinton both have a lengthy list of sexual misconduct allegations against them. But as long as they’re politically useful, top Democrats don’t seem to care.
Can we please stop eating our own while the goddamn house is on fire? We’re gonna need them for the bucket brigade.
Exactly. We got the most prolific traitor in American history dismantling America on behalf of the worst tyrant on the planet, with the help of enthusiastic Nazis, and we’re supposed to be more concerned with what our guys are doing with their wieners? If they aren’t raping children like Republicans, then put it aside and start making plans to drag the miserable traitors to their well-earned punishments.
Why do you assume all Democrats are trying to put out the fire? Schumer and 10 Senate Democrats just sold out the rest of the party and handed Trump a huge victory. We need to look at every single Democrat and make sure their buckets are full of water instead of gasoline before we decide to work with them.
I agree. They lost to trump AGAIN. He’s so divisive they should have been able to win at least once.
They surrendered.
Well for one, I think Schumer made a mistake here and if I lived in NY I’d be calling him up to tell him just that.
But I can see his logic as to why he went the way he did. He fears a govt shutdown is only going to let the foxes eat more of the henhouse.
I think the public would have forgave the dems and I think a shutdown would have helped raise things to the fever pitch needed to suck all of the oxygen out of the room up there. Time will tell I guess.
If you want to make sure they’re carrying water, then we gotta be the reservoir. You gotta add your drop to the bucket and I gotta add mine. That starts by calling, funding the causes you believe in, and then getting out in the streets and being real loud.
Even if what you’re saying about Schumer is true, it would still be gross incompetence to achieve this goal in the manner that he did. Even if you believe his whole, “Musk wants a shutdown,” argument, he allowed every single House Democrat, even those in vulnerable seats, to put themselves in a vulnerable position by refusing to fund the government, then threw them all under the bus by saying, “actually, funding the government is just too important.” Why would he damage his own party like that?
Let’s be real here; the stock market has been tanking all week because of the tariffs, it would have gotten even worse with a shutdown, and Schumer takes a shitload of money from Wall Street. The day before the vote, his donors started telling him how important they think funding the government is, he caves, and the stock market makes a decent comeback the next day. He sold out his party to the donors, and gave Trump a huge win in the process.
Your mistake in this is thinking the Democrats are “your own”. You need to clean house before you can take on outside enemies.
right? idk why people keep thinking politicians are on their side.
This is precisely the same line of thinking that helped get the fire elected to the White House.
It’s death by a thousand cuts.
Not everyone who doesn’t align with you 100% is your enemy.
Last time centrists got a candidate they didn’t align with 100%, they formed a PAC to get McCain elected. Ever since then, the giant hypocrites have been lecturing everyone to vote blue no matter who.
But someone who only aligns with you 20% is not your friend.
This isn’t a “line of thinking”; it’s just how things are. The Democrats are not your friends, they will not defend you and you can’t count on them. If that sounds like the reason Trump won, then great, because that literally is the reason Trump won and if you want to avoid a repeat of 2024 you’ll have to do something other than repeat 2024. Abusive relationship logic doesn’t get voters.
And this is how abusive men get their protection.
Palestinian-americans, the undocumented, trans people, and now abuse victims. Who’s next under the bus?
Anyone but white men for Democrats.
Lol. When you put Bill Clinton, Andrew Cuomo and every other horrendous caricature of evil in the democratic party as “our own”, you’ve doomed yourself to losing in perpetuity.