But yeah, interesting list. These days, KWrite is basically just Kate with different configuration, if I understand correctly, so it always feels like you might as well go with Kate. In my opinion, KWrite is also not particularly easier to use, since basic editing works the same, but I guess, that can be disagreed on.
I do like that Kate is pre-installed. Imagine Windows, but rather than notepad.exe, you get Notepad++ out of the box. Now imagine that to also be a whole lot better and then that’s what it feels like to have Kate on fresh installations.
You can just start coding something right away, without it being necessary to install a different editor.
KWrite is the standard text editor. Kate is the advanced one. The name actually literally stands for “KDE Advanced Text Editor”
I’m not aware of distros preinstalling KWrite, though…?
Huh, I did not know that any didn’t. I just tried a bunch, and here is a quick breakdown of what was preinstalled on each:
Well, I can throw in another for free:
But yeah, interesting list. These days, KWrite is basically just Kate with different configuration, if I understand correctly, so it always feels like you might as well go with Kate. In my opinion, KWrite is also not particularly easier to use, since basic editing works the same, but I guess, that can be disagreed on.
I do like that Kate is pre-installed. Imagine Windows, but rather than notepad.exe, you get Notepad++ out of the box. Now imagine that to also be a whole lot better and then that’s what it feels like to have Kate on fresh installations.
You can just start coding something right away, without it being necessary to install a different editor.