I really do hope people are going to read this.
I was living in my mother’s house in Hawaii. I went to Thailand for a bit and a water pump broke and flooded an area.
We needed to shut off the electricity urgently.
People who have come to the house have said the refrigerator is full of maggots and the house has toxic black mold.
My mom got a second opinion from a realtor and now she’s selling the house.
So I wanted to go to Thailand for a bit and now I’m homeless. I have my clothes, computers, and musical instruments there and I’m probably going to lose them.
I’m so depressed I honestly feel like ending my life. I’m on Lexapro and have been hospitalized several times. I don’t know what to do.
My mom will barely speak to me.
I’m in Bangkok, Thailand.
Don’t worry and possessions, things can be replaced. You sound relatively young, you have many options!
If you have your stuff with you know you can ship it back to your family in Hawaii, before you travel. Or you can join a local Facebook group and sell it.
It sounds like you and your family is physically ok, that’s great news! Build from that
First of all, relax. Nothing is too big to take your life, just relax.
Can you please tell where you live (at least the country)? This can help us find some right steps for next course of action. First of all, Did you have any insurances for your house or any of your products, if so, then start by contacting the insurer, and in these cases, they would just give you sort of settlement price, becaus efor most things damage is done beyond repairs. Most likely your clothes (at least the natural fabrics, like cotton) would be all ruined. But synthetic fibres, and even some of your musical instruments (non wooden parts) and even some pc parts (depending on your cases, and actual salinity of water) would be recoverable, so please do consider to collect them.
I do not know if this helps, but here are contact details for a lot of governments services for help (food and stay, others)
Also, have you come back? Can you assess situation for yourself?
Also, do you have any insurances (house, or for anything at your home, or products with manufacturer warranties which are still active)?
Thank you for the help.
I come back April 7th. It’s going to be weird. I’m just going to arrive and be homeless.