To treat obesity, Hippocrates, the “father of medicine,” suggested the following:

[o]bese people and those desiring to lose weight should perform hard work before food. Meals should be taken after exertion and while still panting from fatigue and with no other refreshment before meals except only wine, diluted and slightly cold. Their meals should be prepared with sesame or seasoning and other similar substances and be of a fatty nature as people get thus, satiated with little food. They should, moreover, eat only once a day and take no baths and sleep on a hard bed and walk naked as long as possible. - Precope J. Hippocrates on Diet and Hygiene. 1952.

In this quote we have :

  • Eat fat to lose fat
  • One Meal A Day (Intermittent Fasting / Time restricted Eating)
  • cardio, and walking.