It’s not even the matter of how the body works it can lead to them watching porn and shit early on which isn’t good cause kids are curious and google exists literally speaking from personal experience I was told way to early on by older friends and it lead to shit I don’t need to get into
That’s the problem. You were told by friends who left you with questions you answered in unsafe ways, not by adults who could answer your questions in an age appropriate way.
Giving kids age-appropriate sex-ed is a good way to protect them against predators. Many victims don’t even know something wrong has been done to them because people like you are too afraid to give them the barest guidance.
You need some therapy. Telling kids the truth about how our bodies work early on doesn’t harm them, but maybe your parents not talking to you about it and your older friends having to do it, perhaps in a crude way, is what led to that shit you don’t need to get into.
3-4 year olds don’t need to know about birds and the bees
Why not? It’s interesting and biology is part of the natural world around us.
Some kids probably won’t care but others will be super interested. Start the conversation and see where it leads.
Lol, tell me you’ve never been on a farm without telling me.
Sex, procreation is not a horrible perverted thing. It’s biology, science, and should be explained as soon as they’re curious enough to ask.
Lots of 3 to 4 year olds are perfectly aware that they have a future sibling brewing in mom’s tummy.
Knowledge of bodily functions seems to concern you. That is your problem, not the kids.
It literally matters zero percent if kids know how bodies function.
The fear and judgement is all in your head lol.
It’s not even the matter of how the body works it can lead to them watching porn and shit early on which isn’t good cause kids are curious and google exists literally speaking from personal experience I was told way to early on by older friends and it lead to shit I don’t need to get into
There’s your problem.
That’s the problem. You were told by friends who left you with questions you answered in unsafe ways, not by adults who could answer your questions in an age appropriate way.
Giving kids age-appropriate sex-ed is a good way to protect them against predators. Many victims don’t even know something wrong has been done to them because people like you are too afraid to give them the barest guidance.
You need some therapy. Telling kids the truth about how our bodies work early on doesn’t harm them, but maybe your parents not talking to you about it and your older friends having to do it, perhaps in a crude way, is what led to that shit you don’t need to get into.
You were clearly abused by the church :(. I’m sorry that happened to you.