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It’s one thing to claim racist bigots voted for Trump as a retaliation to the Obama administration. It’s another thing to claim it’s Obama’s fault that we got Trump.
It kind of is, but not in the reason they’re thinking… But Obama mocking Trump at that White House Correspondents Dinner is said to have been a major impetus for Trump’s 2016 campaign.
This is what I find interesting about the framing of blame.
It was “Obama’s fault” for cheekily responding to Trump’s racist Birther Movement that he was from Africa, with a clip from Lion King?
This is the racist undertone that a lot of people pick up on when they blame Obama for ‘2025 Hitler’. You forget there were effigies of Obama being lynched outside the White House. Republicans initiated a specific anti-Obama obstructionism policy during his administration. All of this uncooperative behavior was because he was black. Claiming Obama didn’t do enough to appeal to the fascists who weren’t going to work with him on policy anyway is giving a pass to fascists.
I don’t think that’s the argument being made. I can’t speak for OP but, Obama was objectively a mediocre president.
He was a wall street loving centrist democratic politician.
He campaigned on change and then he bailed out the big banks when the shit hit the fan. Sure, he had some redeeming policies. (ACA and such)
However, this does not detract from the fact that he created no tangible change to the status quo. His shortcomings led directly to the rise of the same rightwing populism that’s decimating government institutions today.
In his very short time of having a power over the Congress he achieved something that nobody thought possible. Against the wishes and the will of majority of Americans he gave tens of millions of them an access to health care, an access that they weren’t able to get before, and will not be able to get after his legacy will be dismantled in a couple if months. It took all of his momentum, all the political power to do.
For some reason you think that America is capable of some change to the better, but you people are so deep in the conservative mindset, it takes the best momentum of the century to achieve a singular good thing.
And don’t blame it on Obama or Democratic party, like you love doing so much, you are in control of your country’s trajectory (well, until Trump will go full Putin on your ass). And you collectively chose whatever it is around you right now.
You certainly did not. I chose to assume you just aren’t paying attention enough, and just talk to whatever you think people are saying to you instead or actually reading the text. Otherwise that will mean the level of literacy we’re working with is below zero, and I refuse to assume that, because in this case what are we even doing here.
Wait, seriously? Like, seriously, you’re not joking? You really can’t get the point from the original comment? You have read it and that was your understanding? Be honest, if not with me than with yourself, did you really read it, or just pretended to read and now digging your heels?
Well, besides him I was alive for Reagan, Bush Sr, Clinton, Bush jr, Trump and Biden. Clinton had an easy presidency and yet did nothing to undo the damage caused by Reagan and Bindens brain turned to mush before our eyes. And the republican were well, Republicans
How, if the best we can do is another group of rich people?
The last democrat we had in office did nothing about the patriot act and was okay with droning people even when it killed civilians. Yeah, trump is worse, but that didn’t mean anything to a bunch of parents with dead kids.
It’s one thing to claim racist bigots voted for Trump as a retaliation to the Obama administration. It’s another thing to claim it’s Obama’s fault that we got Trump.
It kind of is, but not in the reason they’re thinking… But Obama mocking Trump at that White House Correspondents Dinner is said to have been a major impetus for Trump’s 2016 campaign.
This is what I find interesting about the framing of blame.
It was “Obama’s fault” for cheekily responding to Trump’s racist Birther Movement that he was from Africa, with a clip from Lion King?
This is the racist undertone that a lot of people pick up on when they blame Obama for ‘2025 Hitler’. You forget there were effigies of Obama being lynched outside the White House. Republicans initiated a specific anti-Obama obstructionism policy during his administration. All of this uncooperative behavior was because he was black. Claiming Obama didn’t do enough to appeal to the fascists who weren’t going to work with him on policy anyway is giving a pass to fascists.
Wow, way to completely misrepresent what I said.
Where did I say anything was “Obama’s fault”? In fact, I was clarifying what the person above me said… I would never use those words.
I don’t think that’s the argument being made. I can’t speak for OP but, Obama was objectively a mediocre president.
He was a wall street loving centrist democratic politician.
He campaigned on change and then he bailed out the big banks when the shit hit the fan. Sure, he had some redeeming policies. (ACA and such)
However, this does not detract from the fact that he created no tangible change to the status quo. His shortcomings led directly to the rise of the same rightwing populism that’s decimating government institutions today.
In his very short time of having a power over the Congress he achieved something that nobody thought possible. Against the wishes and the will of majority of Americans he gave tens of millions of them an access to health care, an access that they weren’t able to get before, and will not be able to get after his legacy will be dismantled in a couple if months. It took all of his momentum, all the political power to do.
For some reason you think that America is capable of some change to the better, but you people are so deep in the conservative mindset, it takes the best momentum of the century to achieve a singular good thing.
And don’t blame it on Obama or Democratic party, like you love doing so much, you are in control of your country’s trajectory (well, until Trump will go full Putin on your ass). And you collectively chose whatever it is around you right now.
I gave him credit for the affordable care act in my previous comment. I weighed it against his other shortcomings.
Still mediocre.
Apparently I have a conservative mindset for thinking Obama could have done much more with the power he had.
You didn’t read my comment. You skimmed it for buzzwords you could react to.
I read the narrative you were trying to convey. He did a good thing giving protections against healthcare availability.
Why does that remove him from mediocrity?
You certainly did not. I chose to assume you just aren’t paying attention enough, and just talk to whatever you think people are saying to you instead or actually reading the text. Otherwise that will mean the level of literacy we’re working with is below zero, and I refuse to assume that, because in this case what are we even doing here.
You said he “gave people access to healthcare” I agreed.
What else is there to engage with in your comment?
Assist me in understanding.
Wait, seriously? Like, seriously, you’re not joking? You really can’t get the point from the original comment? You have read it and that was your understanding? Be honest, if not with me than with yourself, did you really read it, or just pretended to read and now digging your heels?
Him being mid core makes him the best president in my life time
Please elaborate.
Well, besides him I was alive for Reagan, Bush Sr, Clinton, Bush jr, Trump and Biden. Clinton had an easy presidency and yet did nothing to undo the damage caused by Reagan and Bindens brain turned to mush before our eyes. And the republican were well, Republicans
I have no issues with that statement. I would agree with you. Would you agree we can do better?
In theory. But not in our lifetimes
We have arrived at a disagreement. I believe things can get better.
How, if the best we can do is another group of rich people?
The last democrat we had in office did nothing about the patriot act and was okay with droning people even when it killed civilians. Yeah, trump is worse, but that didn’t mean anything to a bunch of parents with dead kids.