I’m creating a basic emergency binder for my family.
I got a red binder - the kind that zips all the way around so things don’t fall out, and that has a few zippered pockets for things like thumb drives and pens. I put some dividers in it and some of those plastic sheets that hold paper (so you don’t have to hole-punch things).
I’m keeping it simple and adding either pre-printed info (e.g., from the FEMA website) and/or a more succinct summary I made of each topic. I’m making it mostly paper/hard copy for times like when we lose power (so any info stored electronically is impossible to access).
I’m also only including topics specific to us and our area. For example, we lose power for many hours/days at least a few times a year here. So I’ve included info like how to keep our food safe-temp longer, how long until things have to be thrown out, what to eat and how when there’s no electricity (for some reason when we lose power all awareness that we can still eat goes right out the window), etc. However, we have zero worries from tsunamis, so no info on tsunamis included.
I crocheted a lil granny square skull. One down. 999 to go 💀
Good start!
At work I managed to test creating a transport stream and emmiting it over broadcast for TVs. Good start of week. You?
Nothing special on my side, but thanks for asking!
Still obsessed with Pikmin ❤️
Finally got back to posting microscope videos. Found a worm. He’s a real big guy. Much bigger than the usual guys I find. Still smaller than you can easily see with the naked eye. You might be able to see a lil spec moving if you tried hard on the right lighting.
Whelp I discovered today that, you can listen to your kindle books through Amazon Alexa. I had no idea that this was an option. Hobby will always be voraciously reading books. I was always tempted to just cave in and get audible but not anymore. So now I can finally be an adult and do boring chores while listening to Alexa read my books. Is it phenomenal? No, but does it do the job, yes.
I customized several begleris with 550 cord, silicone bands, and silicone tape, all in interesting color combinations. It gives me something to do when my hands get tired from fidgeting with them.
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