Gender: 1x38b
Gender is not binary, it’s hexadecimal
shouldn’t hexadecimal numbers start with 0x instead of 1x?
Did you just assume their syntax?!
You want some 8x7A2 using the same bathroom as you???
I know right, this is gender we’re talking about naming here! Not one of Elon’s children
I was going to make that joke too but given the real victim of the punchline is someone who had no ability to consent or exercise control in the situation it doesn’t feel right.
I know, but he has $200b in assets, so it’s hard to feel too bad for him
I was referring to the child.
Children don’t get to pick their name or their parents.
Once again, I jest.
I dont feel bad for rich kids they have entrely different realities, they grow up to be shitty adults, it doesnt matter that they are kids now, their future is set in stone, i swear billionaires dropped hella propoganda movies to get ppl to feel bad for their kids and expect them to grow up to be good ppl that change the world for the better if the public likes them, like that ever happens.
Like this kid wont be going to jail ever, no matter what they do, no punishment ever, yall could say thats a bad thing all you want but they experience heaven on earth for the only life we get, fk em, they get way more than they deserve since birth.
I would not have a good home or life in a meritocracy because im dumbaf, but id 100% rather have that where ppl earn there way and mfs that actually contribute to society are rewarded over this shit where we got modern royalty, all the power, none of the consequences, no visibilty, no responsibility.
Now around $400b. Which is a lot more than 1x38b.
The problem is that the amount is probably wrong by the time I finish writing the sentence. The only solution is to burn Tesla dealerships at a fast enough rate to cause a profit/loss equilibrium so we can report it correctly.
Damn, with solutions like these maybe I should just go work for DOGE
“The samurai charged into battle, shouting You must install Adobe Flash plugin to view this content.”
Got that on Programmer Humor last year! Finding that kind of unintentional message is always funny
There ought to be a sub for that.
And no I’m not gonna be the change I want to see in the world, for the benefit of everyone involved.
At least it seems more “scientific” than anything that Jung ever did.
Your source does not support your claim at all. Seems like you are projecting your scientific illiteracy onto Jung.
My high school paid for everyone to take some type of career aptitude test. Everyone got a list of various possible career choices. Burned in my memory now is that I scored “region 99” which apparently meant my personality type didn’t fit any jobs. Or something. Like their magic 8 ball told me to try again.
My school did something similar. It recommended I become a fish monger.
Haha, did you ever try it out? Maybe it really was your life long calling.
I didn’t, but should I ever feel the need to try it I have already watched the tutorial video.
I’m supposed to be a bartender, which i guess sounds better than what i actually do.
I’ve become a computer tender.
A friend of mine got the recommendation to be a pedicurist. Not a manicurist, not some general aesthetician, nope. Test wanted him to work with feet so badly ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I think I finally found what I was put on this earth to do: Knife goes in guts come out.
– Bart Simpson
Same story here. I didn’t pay attention and failed basic math. Suggestion: plumber.
I mean, they’re not wrong, but it does hurt a bit.
Can I have an exception?
Why do you have to personally attack me like that?
Sigh! I should have known.
Hey, that’s Elite catastrophic failure!
If you think 60 questions are going to tell you anything more than that you’re the type of person who takes shitty online quizzes that’s probably an accurate assessment.
Sir, this is a Lemmy’s
He’s saying it’s a feature!
On one hand, you should probably indeed take personality quizzes claiming to be scientific online with a grain of salt and actually check if they have that kind of backing.
On another, they’re fun. I am indeed the type of person who takes shitty online quizzes! (And their sometimes-higher-quality sibling, the academic survey. I really miss r/samplesize) And that doesn’t necessarily make me an idiot. I do wonder how to let my fellow quiz takers know that there are a lot of claims to scientific validity out there that just are not true without being a buzzkill, or condescending to the ones who already know and still participate for fun—because I absolutely get wanting to combat pseudoscience and misinformation.
However, I didn’t take this quiz myself, I found this in a post online and thought Programmer Humor subscribers would find it funny.
There’s psychological quizzes that are much shorter than that. There’s a four question quiz that, on the surface, is about parenting. They’re actually about authoritarianism, and the answers are highly correlated with support for Trump.
No one in 2025 has read all of that article.