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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 28th, 2024

  • Great questions, and you need to familiarize yourself with the correct answers. Generally memorize the protocols. I’m going to regurgitate what I have internalized & point you to online resources to educate yourself further.

    Preparations made well in advance really give an advantage to survival.

    As soon as a nuke is dropped, go the fuck home. Turn on your faucets & fill all sinks & bathtubs, as this may be the last of your easy, clean, potable water you’ll get from the grid for who knows how long.

    One of the biggest & best things you can do is shelter in place, I think for a week. Radioactive fallout & the heavy alpha particles will be everywhere, and blow everywhere. Cover all windows & doors with Visqueen sheeting & duct tape, control & eliminate the travel of random-ass particulates. After 1 week, the radioactive potency of the dust particles should be reduced by 85-90%. That’s huge. So shut your windows & doors, seal everything up, and sit your ass down. It could save your life.

    Shelter in place requires food, water, preps. I think it’s overkill, but overkill is also kind of what you need/want, 1 gallon of water per person per day. When Russia started getting on their shit, people were buying up iodine tabs. This harmless substance negates the harmful effects of potential radioactive exposure via your food & drink. The trick is you have to take this stuff a set amount of time…before…exposure to radioactive particles. It protects your thyroid gland, IIRC. Have water, have food, maybe have a container or two of those fancy tablets.

    Especially in the earlier days, you help others by being able to help yourself. If there are assistance efforts, you can turn them down & the help can go to others in more dire need.

    We can, and do, talk about prepping things for years on end. I would recommend you tune in to Canadian Prepper (hey,I watched some of the video after & I didn’t do too badly!)

    Yes, Canadian Prepper touches on this. In my words: information is good. But the authorities, and other people, may lie or not tell the entire truth. They tell you what they want you to know. Good advice in general.

  • CoffeeJunkie@lemmy.cafetominimalism@lemmy.worldLight Phone 3
    3 months ago

    Love to see it, I want more phones like this, idk I almost want a Light Phone with a microSD card slot for music/documents/files.

    I know that goes against the whole super simple, less is more theme. However. I like options & I think every single phone should have expandable memory. Even Apple. When that feature isn’t present in a smartphone, that is the company ripping you off.

    The ability to take pictures & store them on a microSD card. Back up your phone, files & settings. Anything you want…and that phone can consequently fail or be destroyed, but you extract that card & you’ve got what you need? That feature is cheap to implement, that security is priceless. And that is what companies have stolen from all of us.

    …anyway. Other than that, the 3 looks great. Love the small form factor & everything about it. I’m almost willing to buy it, anyway. I’m sad they don’t have microSD, I am disappointed but I’m not surprised.

  • There is one case I know of personally, I don’t think it technically falls under the description of rape but I consider it rape. Husband & wife, wife wanted kid. Husband did not. Their birth control was pill-based oral contraceptive. Wife very purposefully moved off that birth control without telling the husband, husband was just raw-dogging her because “she was on the pill”…lo & behold…she gets pregnant.

    She’s not very smart, and she has told a number of people about this deception & laughs about it. HAHAHA, oh, so funny, yeah that’s rape. You took advantage of your husband & used his reproductive abilities against his explicit wishes. You raped your husband. Had yourself a little rape-baby. Hilarious stuff (stupid broad).

    Again, I don’t think that’s currently covered under rape. But goddamn I think it should be (although it’s harder to prove without confession/admission).

  • CoffeeJunkie@lemmy.cafetoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldthe "anti-sex' bed
    3 months ago

    Like…I get it…but at the same time, they’re young, taut, and hot. Just let these beautifully sculpted human beings have sex with each other? Let them enjoy this one life that we have? Give them some birth control & leave them be. What fucking jealous, irrational prudes. 🙄

    I hope they have all kinds of crazy sex, just because they can.

  • A few points to be had: we are (probably) arguing about viability in two very, very different worlds. I am predominantly small-town & country. Somebody from Chicago referred to our one big city as a “small city”, lol. So for where I live and our lifestyle, pay lots are frustrating AF. Dumb AF. By & large unnecessary. Hell I only know of a few in the area. My experience with pay-lots is when I visit larger cities like Chicago, I think Nashville at one point.

    Now I can see how people that live & work in a bigger city, land usage is at a ridiculous premium. You’re all living on top of each other. Big, empty, free parking lots would be a waste & headache. I can see city dwellers, more used to the nonsense, maybe with a streamlined process to park & pay (passes & whatnot) can benefit. I’m all for helping the taxpayers.

    Pay-lots are just a part of somebody else’s life that I don’t have to (and do not want to) deal with. But I say…respect the car boot, pay the fines, because the alternative is worse for all of us.

  • CoffeeJunkie@lemmy.cafetoFunny: Home of the Haha@lemmy.worldNo rules
    3 months ago

    Doesn’t matter. They’re all pretty cheap & there are tricks to getting them off. What really will fuck you is they enter in all your vehicle information, they’ll grab your address & everything, and they’ll legally harass & fine the shit out of you.

    Everybody involved kinda sucks. None of this is okay. I think it’s pretty fucking stupid, to pay for parking, to pay parking tickets. BUT: the alternative to all these cute little boots & wasting your time, money is they physically yoink your car & impound it in a towyard. Which is annoying AF. So instead they boot it & hope you’re a decent, normal person that doesn’t crack car boots.

    …so if you find your car booted, unless you want to encourage them towing away vehicles all willy-nilly…just pay the stupid fine. And try not to park in pay lots in the future.