Not a direct statement she ever made, but she definitely mentioned she prefers being the one to say it. So I don’t think she’s actively trying to make me jump ship. I just think she grew up reading fairy tales and somehow doesn’t wanna stop believing in “true love” or soulmates or whatever brings the point across.
Yeah, I don’t think she’d accept that fact from me. It would probably sound more like self promotiom than actual advice. Sadly she’s really not into counceling or therapy, no matter if professional or not.
About my habits. I actually do have a hamper, jusr not in room. I usually change clothes in the bathroom but sometimes you just get lazy. I mean I pick stuff from the floor at least once a day before I vacuum anyway. To me it’s really not a big deal. Sure, tidier is tidier, and I’d love to work on that. But IMO it’s not that bad (idk that statement makes it sound bad somehow).
I did actually start a series of examinations to get possible diagnoses for underlying problems in myself, especially because my girlfriend mentioned some things like half a year ago. But ever since she hasn’t been happy about me “going to therapy” for stuff like that. Apparently in her mind thats not a good approach or whatever
At this point I’m really not too sure wether I should stick around much longer, but I guess intuition will play some role in that.