BAAABBAAAYYY! I compare you to a kiss from a deer on the rein
They’re normally docile, unless you get caught up in them while they’re feeding
Retunal… and I FINALLY just recently beat it
I’ve been playing it off and on for about two years now, and it was so satisfying to finally finish the main story
Possibly. I’ve eaten fried-brim-tail and it was pretty much like a seafood potato chip (just be careful of tiny bones). I could see getting down with some crunchy shrimp tails. Maybe my body is just craving some fiber (and/or fiber-like) sustenance, but I can see the merit. Hell, if it’s edible and tasty, then I’m 'bout it. Maybe it’s a texture thing?
“Magnesium Glycinate” is the one I choose for daily use. Magnesium Citrate is great at getting those Mg levels up initially; but for daily maintenance, I prefer the glycinate version. They kinda have their own use-cases imo
Who’s to say you’re not (I won’t, at the least)?
perfectionist mindset - as one is writing,
I think an “M-Dash (perfectionist mindest— as one is writing,)” would be more appropriate than an “N-Dash” in your statement. No ‘nested’ parentheses needed (unless you’re looking to add non-essential (though insightful) info to your sentence); but the type of… “PAUSE” makes all the difference
Puff the Magic Dragon
It’s like a fever dream, but we definitely had it on VHS
Yeah… yeah we did I guess. At least a bit
If you buy a gift for someone, but they refuse to accept it, who then owns the gift? You do!
Your anger doesn’t upset me, but you’re still the one left holding it and experiencing it
You sound smart enough to figure out how to find some therapy, my friend. You should try and do that for yourself, or work harder at self-control and compassion
Don’t bother typing a long-winded response, I’m moving on. Good luck to you in all of your endeavors!
Reading your comments as I scroll: maybe you added some insight; but your delivery is crass. It makes you seem deliberately elitist… and makes me ignore your “angry” comments. You’ve made the conversation worse by adding to it, without consideration of anything besides your own opinion
And the worst part is you don’t even consider it a personal failing.
Isn’t that ironic.
Amateur radio checking-in: the cables and adapters are just the beginning. There is no “box”—it’s simply “storage”
You just NEVER know!!
The further into your future you go, the more likely you’re gonna get fucked by that bold maneuver. May glob have mercy on your soul
You can use money from your 401k (stipulations vary) for a down payment on a first home, without the tax penalty (in America at least)
What a surprise, I have that same photo! The one he wanted nobody to ever see anymore. Whoops, guess it’s on two servers now
Incomprehension of fraction to decimal conversion is why 90% of people who say they are bad at math, say they are bad at math
I feel called out. I was in high-school Calculus (11th grade) before I “truly” understood fractions. Like, I honestly somehow managed to make it to Calculus without knowing how to add and subtract fractions without a calculator. Thought I was dumb in math until 9th grade algebra, and didn’t start becoming a bit of a math nerd until Calculus
You’re right though, I only read the summary and then commented from there. Having now read the full article, it seems that it’s the “county” (that runs the hospital) listed in the lawsuit. Why not the hospital themselves? Or is that how the law works (as in, who is liable) when dealing with federal laws that were broken?
How does that not violate HIPPA? Do you have a source; out of curiosity?
There’s some situations where say, a person may be hospitalized after a car-accident and also has prior warrants out for them (the police were already involved with the wreck and now know the ‘wanted’ person has gone to a certain hospital). So the police will leave paperwork in the patient’s chart, asking for a “courtesy call” when the patient is about to be discharged, so that they can than be arrested. But it’s technically not “mandatory” (oh, I was busy and forgot to call the detective!), but the system definitely makes it feel mandatory
But being tipped off about a patients’ medical condition‽ So that they can be arrested afterward for said medical condition‽ I’m sorry, but how the actual fuck does that fly in any logical realm?
If true: the hospital should be held accountable for violation of HIPPA, which is a federal law. Fuck their state laws, that’s not how it works
Hyphen -
En Dash –
Em Dash —
- – —