Akshully the correct name is the Salesforce Dildo
Akshully the correct name is the Salesforce Dildo
Was it better back then? I’m working with QNX these days and the hardware integration is a fucking mess
Looking to start generation two of my offspring
I’m glad that Athletic exists, but it’s actually pretty mediocre compared to the NA beers that smaller classic breweries are starting to put out.
I think you’re reading a bit too much into my statement.
I love the taste!
I’m also addicted to the substance.
Guess I’ll have to try harder next time.
I did it ironically, but even more ironically, OP didn’t take it ironically.
I was trying to rankle you :(
Potato is aren’t?
Potatoes are “root” “vegetables.”
How do you pronounce “southern?”
Have you tried talking to them about that?
You don’t carry a few around with you?
About how long we had to wait for you to make that comment?
You’re mixing botanical and culinary terms.
That blue coal is riveting