2 things:
they’re actually better than the other news sites you list here.
What you are saying does not make any sense unless you did not click the links to see the amount of trackers in the tests.
Either way, I’m using ad-blocking, DNS filtering, and I do general browsing like this in a separate browser that wipes everything on exit sooo 🤷 saves you from worrying about this stuff or even thinking about it much.
Yet you are using Lemmy instead of Reddit? Which means you kind of understand fully that the tools that you are talking about does not protect you 100% , rather they just reduce the amount of trackers tracking you.
Also it’s pretty dystopian to support the websites that violates people privacy, instead of using the websites that basically provide the same product with better privacy.
You can read the other websites without JavaScript as well.
Also, that might not stop all the trackers, as the webpages are loaded with their trackers.
(I am not the one who wrote this blog post)
I actually kind of trying different browsers on Android, but my setup is iron fox on my phone and brave on my desktop.
I think Firefox lost long time ago on the desktop, I never know why they don’t focus on their market share on phones more(Firefox for Android started displaying pages weirdly in the last 2 weeks and they almost never add new futures to it.)
Anyway, I will be waiting for Servo in 2025.
I believe the table is correct, maybe the contributor confused them.
This is not my project, I just liked it.
You are right, I think it might worth suggesting it to the author on codeberg.
your license
I am not the project leader.
There’s too many unknowns
Public domain?
You can do with the project what ever you want with no restrictions.
The person or persons who have associated work with this document (the “Dedicator” or “Certifier”) hereby either (a) certifies that, to the best of his knowledge, the work of authorship identified is in the public domain of the country from which the work is published, or (b) hereby dedicates whatever copyright the dedicators holds in the work of authorship identified below (the “Work”) to the public domain. A certifier, moreover, dedicates any copyright interest he may have in the associated work, and for these purposes, is described as a “dedicator” below.
A certifier has taken reasonable steps to verify the copyright status of this work. Certifier recognizes that his good faith efforts may not shield him from liability if in fact the work certified is not in the public domain.
Dedicator makes this dedication for the benefit of the public at large and to the detriment of the Dedicator’s heirs and successors. Dedicator intends this dedication to be an overt act of relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights under copyright law, whether vested or contingent, in the Work. Dedicator understands that such relinquishment of all rights includes the relinquishment of all rights to enforce (by lawsuit or otherwise) those copyrights in the Work.
Dedicator recognizes that, once placed in the public domain, the Work may be freely reproduced, distributed, transmitted, used, modified, built upon, or otherwise exploited by anyone for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and in any way, including by methods that have not yet been invented or conceived.
How do you discover providers on simplex?
No problem, I will resubmit later. I used the wrong article link anyway.
Hate to be this guy, but in theory Youtube would be get aggressive towards both Firefox users(anti competition) and uBlock Origin users( to raise their revenue and to push for YouTube premium).
I hope uBlock Origin keep working forever, but I think at at some point YouTube will get more aggressive till adblock users will be unable to use Youtube.
With all respect, I think you are being too gentle on them.
The Verge is owned by Vox Media, which is close to having a Monopoly on the news(They own The Verge, Vox, NYMag{Which alone has many sections like Vulture and Curbed for example} and many more.) They are partly owned by Warner Bros. Discovery (25%).
In short they have way more than enough to keep paying their electricity bills.