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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • My grandpa’s life partner came into his life after my dad was an adult but before I was born, so she’s been in the family longer than I have. She never wanted to be called anything other than her first name, but by all measures, she is my grandma, and I love her. So I’ve had the typical grandma/grandpa names for mine, but I also have an Izzy, and that’s really special to me.

  • Do you always donate at the same place? When I received my one gallon pin, it was a complete surprise because i know that I had donated more than 1 gallon at that time. But I used to move a lot and would just pop into any random blood drive I saw anytime I was eligible to donate. I received the one gallon pin from one specific bloodbank that I’ve been going to for years now, and i just figure they dont know about the other places in different states. Since I’m anemic, the phlebotomists tell me to double my recovery time before donating again, so I can only donate 3 or 4 times a year, so it’s taking a while for me to hit those milestones. I did get a postcard in the mail from the hospital affiliated w my bloodbank when my donation was used for a transfusion, which was pretty cool.

  • It’s called the scrub mommy because it has a soft side :)

    (I didn’t make that up, thats their advertising).

    Also it does 2x the work for less money than the scrub daddy costs. I didn’t make that up either, but it’s true, they’re cheaper, and that’s very funny.

  • This is the original meaning of the phrase “the customer is always right”. It’s been warped by “karen” types into a weapon used against minimum wage workers, but what it’s supposed to mean is “the customer is always right in matters of taste”. Meaning if a company doesn’t want to do something because they think it’s dumb but the demographic says “I like that” then the customer is right, and the company should do it. I know the dwarf tag isn’t about money, but it’s still a matter of listening to the customers on the platform.

  • I have similar thoughts for a solution- just don’t have any sex or gender indicators on ID cards. Have a whole separate medical card that isn’t for identification. You keep it in your wallet in case you’re ever in an emergency, and doctors will use it to know if they should treat you like an xx or an xy or something else if it so applies. It could have a list on the back where you write any current medications, so a Dr knows what interactions your body might have to any treatments. This would be useful if, for example, you’re a female presenting biologically xy Trans person who shows up unconscious in an ambulance. Then the doctor can look at that person’s card and say “I will give this person the medical care that an XY person needs” vs saying “this person’s ID card says male but they look female, should the treatment be for a man or a woman?”

    As a non medical professional I’m sure I am oversimplifying the ordeal and glossing over important points, but it’s just something I’ve thought a lot.

  • I pay for a subscription to Scribd, i think its like $12 or $14 USD/month. I started using it after I heard an ad on Levar Burton’s short story podcast, “Levar Burton Reads”. His recommendation sold me because he’s a genuine advocate for literacy. I don’t THINK it’s Amazon affiliated, I try not to use Amazon products and services, but it’s getting harder all the time to avoid them. It has slightly less of a selection than audible, but I find many great things on there. It doesn’t have tokens or whatever the audible bullshit is, you can just listen to whatever you want whenever you want. There’s no ads, but it does make recommendations and suggestions, I’m sure those are some kind of sponsored. When I signed up, it also automatically signed me up for a free service called farfaria, or something like that, which is a children’s audio book service. I had no interest in that, but my mother, who is a nanny, really enjoys it. I really really like it, but there are some titles (can’t think of them off the top of my head, but mostly big name and brand new stuff) that aren’t on there that I do feel like I miss out on.