Ok, rips paper off wall
Ok, rips paper off wall
Two wrongs don’t make a right but three rights make a left.
I am invisioning a snake coiled into a spring shape saying “dOn’T sTeP oN mE” and I really want to smash it
Savage sinusoid - Igorrr
Seeing as the plant kept the flower and ditched the leaf. I conclude that plants also prefer sex over food.
Head like a hole - Nine Inch Nails
“Awww, my sunglasses were in there!”
So, tolerance is the answer 🤔
Potatoes and molasses https://youtu.be/Q4vryZTr6MA?feature=shared
How much do you think it’s worth?
This is a game changer for me! Thank you
So long and thanks for the avacados!