so if you’re happy why change?
perhaps take a screenshot next Time?..
so if you’re happy why change?
perhaps take a screenshot next Time?..
perhaps some context here would help?
replace them with on box = problems solved
why this equipment would still have value, and what people still use it for.
well the truth is, it does not. I have a 25 years old battery powered drill here, can I sell it to you for $50? I mean it works fine, its of course useless compared to anything new, that have better battery time, higher mhA, universal charger and all that but come on, I have 100 of the, I must be rich!!
thanks for downvoting, block
super cheap SAS controller
so you don’t care if they will protect your data or not? if they were super-cheap like that they could be broken or about to break. could be 10+ years old. do you really want to spend more money???
25G WAN link
This is homelab, not joes CDN.
go virtual. there are so many flavor of iOS and other CISCO OS’es that buying an 20 years old switch would only give you really basic stuff
Looks like you don’t understand the concept of a server, a server is not a physical representation of any device, I can make anything a server whenever I so please.
If you get crappy motherboards (server grade) or crappy servers with motherboards they can have any kind of NIC, also they can be connected directly or indirectly to your CPU using or not using PCI lanes.
Here it seemed that you made a poor decision on what you call a server, no labgore here imho.
I’ve used ASUS motherboards with both intel and Realtek NICs (for some reason dual-NIC MBs never have the same chipset)… in a number of years, tugging along in my ESXi cluster hosting 50 VMs - no issues
what’s the plan?
I understand the overall general purpose of what sysprep is.
It seems you do not understand what sysprep does at all. Without SCVMM (iirc) you cannot create templates in Hyper-V. If you can you just sysprep the VM, shut it down, convert it to a template and you can re-deply it as many times as you want.
It needs to be accessed from the internet, as well as the production network of course.
that’s generally a horrible idea.
i see you are in intel land, in the dark, mr fuck
come over to arm land.
So with those netapp disk shelves
there are hundred of those, please specify
they have 1 controllers
controllers are not singular, please explain
What are those ports called again?
so you where to drunk to remember the first 10 times, or just look at a simple guide?
I think you should not get any of these, get a laptop instead
My knowledge about ribbon cable construction is pretty much nonexistent,
its a cable.
Intel Xeon Processor 3.0 GHz/800 are 90nm, chips, today we are at 2-3nm, the CPU is almost 20 years old,
looks like you are the right guy in the right shop.
takes 11 min to write comments? :D /s
so it might not be amazon selling these, secondly if I would sell you a car for $99 what do you think? sure this Tesla for 99 seems legit, lets do it?
you only need bifurcation if you need to split PCI lanes for something like multiple nVME drives, a PCI card does not work like that. was that an advice someone game you?