• 1 Post
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2024


  • Not for most duff you mentioned, but the adbreaks themselves:

    Our old dvr enabled us to skip ads in the recorded tv programs pretty accuratley. It set chapter markings whenever an ad-block began/ended which it figured out by the frequency of hard cuts as ads have them between every ad (so multiple times a minute) whlie normal programming usually does not. This was way pre-AI (like late 00s). Sadly the built in dvrs in our tvs after that did not have that function, but maybe there is a modern implimentation somewhere.

  • can anyone help me figure out, why the following shell script does not work:

    while IFS= read -d $'\0' -r "dir" ; do 
          echo "${dir}"\#;
          cd "'""${dir}""'" ;
          ##doing something else
         # cd  ..;
    done < <(find ./  -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -print0)

    I am running it in a location with a lots of folders containing spaces (think of it like this:

    /location containing spaces# ls
    'foo ba' 'baa foo ' 'tee pot'

    I get errors of the following form:

    script.sh: line 5: cd: 'baa foo ': No such file or directory

    but when I manually enter cd 'baa foo' it works fine. Why could that be? (the echo retuns something like “foo baa #” .) It really confuses me that the cd with the exact same string works when I enter it manually. I have allready tried leaving out the quotes in the cd command and escaping the spaces using dir=$(printf %q "${dir}"); before the cd but that did not work either.

    tbh I am new to shell scripts so maybe there is something obvious I overlooked.