Conferences have been abruptly cancelled, media appearances suppressed and demands made to fire critics of Israeli policies.

    • @jetA
      38 months ago

      And therefore they should not have any voice in the reporting? There’s no viewpoint to give? There’s no data to understand? There’s no context which is useful in dealing with the situation?

    • AndyOP
      08 months ago

      That’s certainly a take.

      1. History didn’t “start” last week. Palestine has been under occupation for 75 years, and a lot has happened in the last few.

      2. “Palestine” didn’t start this: you mean Hamas. Those are very different groups.

      3. The article is about threats of violence being used to silence and intimidate human rights groups. Even if you disagree with the politics of the targets of these threats, this is enormously dangerous and destabilizing to a democratic society.