• @justgohomealready@sh.itjust.works
      468 months ago

      Or maybe Israelis are the ones who are not facing reality. You keep a malnourished and abused big dog chained in your backyard, you’re going to get bitten sooner or later.

      • @HelixDab2@lemm.ee
        348 months ago

        …And now that they’ve been bitten, they’re going to beat it to death, and god help anyone that thinks what they’re doing is cruel and unnecessary (and terrorism, and a war crime).

      • @PermanentlyJetlagged@lemmy.world
        98 months ago

        Ok I want to start by saying I agree with you in principle. I’m not commenting on substance, but on form. I know this metaphor. It’s provocative and is used frequently. But I don’t love the idea of comparing Palestinians to dogs. Is there any way it can be tweaked to not refer to an oppressed people as animals?

        I don’t comment this directly at you either. I’m asking the broader Lemmy community. Can we workshop an adjustment?

          • @jetA
            98 months ago

            Maybe label it as a camp where people of a specific ethnicity are gathered, or concentrated, and not allowed to leave.

    • @bouncing@partizle.com
      -158 months ago

      I get it. Reality sucks.

      Also, people want to see themselves in an underdog. They want a “good guy” to root for.

      • @bemenaker@lemmy.world
        8 months ago

        People aren’t rooting for Hamas as a good guy. That statement is so insanely stupid, it’s off the charts. Palestinians are an oppressed controlled people. They are forced into poverty, every aspect of their lives is controlled by Israel. Their land is constantly stolen. What do they do, they fight back. Yes there has been strife between Jews and Muslims long before Great Britain set this entire situation on fire by creating Israel from the majority of Palestine. Yes, Muslims have attacked Israel because of this happening. Israel is 100 times stronger than them. They have 1000s of times more money and resources. If a Palestinian kills one Israeli, Israel kills 100s of Palestinians in response. They destroy entire neighborhoods, they steal more land, burn their agricultural land, and cut of even more access to the outside world. Israel, being the bigger stronger party here, does not act in good faith to end this situation. Israel acts just as genocidal as you say Hamas is. I am not saying Hamas are good guys, they have done terrible reprehensible things. Hamas is trying to fight an asymmetrical war, and doing it in the worst way possible.

        The chance for peace existed years ago, but it required Israel pulling back to '67 borders, and they absolutely refused to even consider the idea.

        I don’t back any side in this. I think they both are acting reprehensibly. I want to see a cease fire. I want Bibi removed from power, no good negotiations will come with him there. I want to see a change in leadership in Hamas. Then I want to see a real attempt at honest negotiations.

      • Cosmic Cleric
        28 months ago

        Also, people want to see themselves in an underdog. They want a “good guy” to root for.

        IMO, and having read over all your comments in this thread, and not just the one I’m quoting above, you are too dismissal/simplifying of other people’s intelligence and wisdom.

        Humanity done right is a differential engine, and ignoring a section of the data set because you don’t agree with it does not get you any closer to the truth of things.

        • @bouncing@partizle.com
          -18 months ago

          I’m not ignoring anyone. I’m trying to think of a reasonable explanation for people’s incoherence. I think people wanting to root for the underdog really explains a lot of seemingly incoherent beliefs.