i do 10 of them without losing weight. So may be the only one that work is meal prep

  • jetA
    7 days ago

    Losing weight is just eating less calorie than you use.

    That is almost a tautology. You can eat a gram of uranium with something like 2 Billion calories, but it wont make you gain weight.

    Humans are hormonal machines, yes CICO/(move more eat less) works, but its doing it on hard mode.

    Following one of the whole food diets removes processed foods, gives better insulin control, which means the body actually works better, including hunger regulation!

    Let’s consider the single most impactful diet change people can make - removing sugar from their diet (not carbs, just sugar/soda/etc) - Clearly someone can remove sugar, and still eat well and not be hungry while realizing real benefits (most people who are sugar addicts will see weight less removing sugar alone - average USAian eats 100lbs of sugar per year). Hunger is not a necessary part of weight loss!

    I can’t speak for every dietary intervention but from personal experience LCHF/keto and carnivore i lose weight without getting hungry. Mostly because they allow the body’s hormones to self regulate, humans are amazing homeostasis machines it wants to stay optimal.

    One aspect of the article was “and keep it off”, any intervention where your fighting hunger constantly is going to be hard to maintain long term “and keep it off”