Originally published in 1930 - The journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

https://archive.org/details/sim_journal-of-the-academy-of-nutrition-and-dietetics_1930-12_6_3/page/216/mode/2up (It’s so old, I don’t have a direct doi link)

Based on Vilhjalmur Stefansson’s reporting of Inuit diets (the wiki is a great read) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vilhjalmur_Stefansson ; People were incredulous (much like today actually) - So Vilhjalmur and his partner agreed to be kept for a YEAR in medical supervision in a hospital on staten island. This is the study/publication of the results.

TLDR - The pure meat diet worked for a year, under total medical supervision, without any issues, including vitamin levels. Just like it worked for the native Inuit people.

This is a seminal paper, it’s about 85 pages, so it’s going to take a minute to read. I’ll post notes as I get through it.

  • jetOPMA
    1 month ago

    The paper was not as long as I thought (archive.org showed me the entire journal), it is a easy read. The paper holds up to my more modern reading of both carbohydrate metabolism, and ketosis.

    Limitations of this paper - While it proves that the Inuit style diet is sustainable for a year without measurable ill effects, it does not speak to a all meat diet being optimal (some people have gone a little crazy with their inferences here).