Originally published in 1930 - The journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

https://archive.org/details/sim_journal-of-the-academy-of-nutrition-and-dietetics_1930-12_6_3/page/216/mode/2up (It’s so old, I don’t have a direct doi link)

Based on Vilhjalmur Stefansson’s reporting of Inuit diets (the wiki is a great read) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vilhjalmur_Stefansson ; People were incredulous (much like today actually) - So Vilhjalmur and his partner agreed to be kept for a YEAR in medical supervision in a hospital on staten island. This is the study/publication of the results.

TLDR - The pure meat diet worked for a year, under total medical supervision, without any issues, including vitamin levels. Just like it worked for the native Inuit people.

This is a seminal paper, it’s about 85 pages, so it’s going to take a minute to read. I’ll post notes as I get through it.

  • jetOPMA
    2 months ago

    Mr. Andersen, had accompanied Stefansson on one of his arctic expeditions. He was thirty-eight years of age, Danish by birth, small in stature, and in excellent physical condition with a blood pressure of 140/80.

    How times have changed

    At the start of the study, when only lean meat was allowed the subjects had physical issues that resolved when fat levels were allowed to return to natural levels.

    The food consumed by the men, who for the most part ate the proportions of lean and fat meat which they desired, was moderately high in protein, high in fat, and very low in carbohydrate.

    The portions of the animal used included muscle, liver, kidney, brain, bone marrow, bacon, and fat.

    19:78:2 diet by today’s language (19% protein, 78% fat, 2% carbs)

    The men took by preference boiled meat together with the fluid in which the meat was cooked. They ate some steaks and chops, but these were not the most desired portions. They preferred rib cuts, shank, tongue, and liver, to the usual steaks.

    The physical condition of both men was as good at the end of the year, if not better, than at the beginning. There was no elevation of their blood pressure, but one subject (K. A.) showed a decrease of 20 mm. in his systolic pressure.

    So the 140/80 became 120/80 over 1 year for our “excellent physical condition” Mr. Anderson.

    The largest amount of nitrogen eliminated in one day was 35 grams which occurred when Stefansson was taking only lean meat.

    Curious, I wonder if there is research on Fat being protective of muscle mass during low carbohydrate diets?

    The stools were small in volume, inoffensive in odor, and acid in reaction. There was no flatus… No constipation developed.

    Less poop, no farting. No constipation for a year doing carnivore.

    Basal metabolism. The meat diet did not produce any change in the level of their basal metabolism which varied between —10 and — 20 per cent of normal by the Aub-Du Bois standards.

    A diet consisting of meat alone, when one includes the edible portions of the animal’s body under this head, contains all the necessary factors for a complete diet.

    In our studies the only obvious deficiency was in calcium which probably was due to the way in which the meat was served, that is, cut from the bone. When the men ate from the bone they apparently received more calcium. The diet was adequate in phosphorus, sulphur, and iron. In evaluating its vitamin content, the absence of all diseases which are commonly classed as being due to a lack of vitamins was taken as evidence that the diet contained the necessary amounts of these accessory food factors.

    i.e. they didn’t develop scurvy

    Our observations, we feel, support the fact which has been recognized among primitive peoples that man can live on a meat diet without physical deterioration resulting. This shows that such a diet is complete. It would seem also from this work that the use of meat in a general diet may not have been the cause of all the evil effects which have been ascribed to it.


    1. It is possible for man to live for long periods on meat alone.
    2. Clinical observations and laboratory tests revealed no evidence to show that these men suffered any ill-effects from their prolonged use of an exclusive meat diet.
    3. The diet was moderately high in protein and very high in fat. 4, Lean meat alone was not well tolerated.
    4. A prolonged mild ketosis occurred.
    5. The ability of the body to use carbohydrate was reduced temporarily.
    6. The diet was expensive, caused some social inconveniences, and was not one to be recommended for universal use.
    • jetOPMA
      2 months ago

      The paper was not as long as I thought (archive.org showed me the entire journal), it is a easy read. The paper holds up to my more modern reading of both carbohydrate metabolism, and ketosis.

      Limitations of this paper - While it proves that the Inuit style diet is sustainable for a year without measurable ill effects, it does not speak to a all meat diet being optimal (some people have gone a little crazy with their inferences here).