Does anyone know the best way to route traffic from transmission through Mullvad?

I have transmissionset up on my plex server which I control using tranmission remote and want to download my Linux ISOs with privacy.

I have downloaded the wireguard config and can connect to it using wg-quick, but I don’t want all traffic going through it, only transmission.

  • @jetA
    10 months ago

    You could use something like portmaster to route only that program to the VPN.

    Probably safer to configure your program to use the mullvad proxy. That way if mullvad is offline it just won’t work.

    The gold standard for what you want to do is qubes, where you would set up a VM that can only talk to a VM that’s routing to the VPN. But that’s a lot of work. You might be able to set something similar with containers.

    This other post may be interesting as well