I’ve decided to do my first Babylon 5 rewatch!

Lets have a binge thread to talk about B5!

I would love to find a 4k remaster of the series, there are some great demo videos on youtube, but on the streaming sites I can only find 720p. If you have any trouble choosing which streaming service to use just search for fmhy and they will have a curated list of options.

TV shows were wild back then, 22 episodes per season, 45 minutes each; 1000 minutes per season!

  • jetOPMA
    2 months ago
    Season 1 Episode 1 - Midnight on the Firing Line

    Wow, the graphics look surprisingly clean, but very outdated!

    Hahah, “Earth is some lost Centauri Tribe Making us distant relatives”

    Vir is my spirit animal

    League of Non-Aligned worlds, ohh yeah Space UN, but without the static veto security council

    I do not like Santiago. I’ve always thought that a leader should have a strong chin. He has no chin, and his vice president has several. This, to me, is not a good combination.

    The big mcguffin for episode 1 was the technical advisor for the raiders had archived communication between narn high command and the invasion fleet verifying the invasion was unprovoked. That seems like a wild operational choice, no compartmentalization for a sensitive operation.

    PsyCore is super evil; Join us; Prison; or Lobotomy drugs.

    Garabalis second favorite thing in the universe is loonytoons and not sex, as was so heavily hinted at. No way this joke setup could happen anymore