I hate when people use that line as some sort of proof that scientists are fools. It’s like, do y’all really think scientists are looking at bees and crying over equations that the bees (that predated any and all forms of math done by humans) somehow are making them reevaluate.
“According to the known laws of physics, bumble bees should not be able to fly”
I hate when people use that line as some sort of proof that scientists are fools. It’s like, do y’all really think scientists are looking at bees and crying over equations that the bees (that predated any and all forms of math done by humans) somehow are making them reevaluate.
Laws of aviation. And it’s true, because planes do not flap their wings.
“But the Bumblebee does not know these laws, and flies anyways”
(easy to travel when you don’t have enough education to understand what doing that means)