While I would honestly prefer this to our current situation, I vote we Europeanize things instead. Single continent North American Union, but instead of 3 meganations, we instead go fully independent for each state in the us and Mexico, and each province in Canada. But with free travel between the new, much smaller nations. Let’s see how fast these conservative ass states who love to boast about their fucking fiscal responsibility last before collapsing and getting a bailout that requires they start offering fucking healthcare.
Good idea, only a tiny correction: North America goes down to Panama and includes the Caribbean.
But the EU doesn’t include all of Europe as well, so ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯
Keep Ohio independent, like a fucked up Switzerland
Is there some way we can ensure Ohio goes to Mexico?
btw, am in Michigan.
Can’t wait to see an indie film about a small town Nebraska story shot in sepia because it’s south of the border.
About that, how come Canada doesn’t have a cold blue colored filter?
Wouldn’t theirs also be sepia? You know. Maple syrup shaded.
Nebraska is north of the border.
You may have mixed it up with El Kansas.
This wouldn’t be so bad for new england
Very little change. I already love maple syrup.
One generation later, none of the Americans remained. Having been removed from their threat for so long, they were now completely devoid of the natural defenses that were necessary to protect them from the devastation of Kinder Surprise eggs.
Honestly, I think Mexico has a better chance cleaning up the cartels than the US have cleaning up, well… Anything.
If Mexico does that, this map looks pretty good
I think Mexico should get Alaska. Just to further increase the distance between it and it’s country.
Give Sarah Palin’s village to Argentina. Because that would be funny.
Canada! Fuck yeah!
…comin’ again to save the motherf*ckin day, eh?..
So is Maryland the only US State now?
We say “The Duchy of Baltimore” now
Who gets Hawaii?
Cede the entire area to a new “national park” a park the size of the Old United States.
Else, combine Baja and California to California Grande.
California Grande.
We need this.
Sure, but who gets Hawaii???
Japan Strikes Back
Fun fact, Hawai’i tried to ally with Japan first, and they said no.
Why not Canexico? Or Mexida?
I’d settle for Earthanadexico