I skimmed through that manual and laughed a lot. The level of asshole the CIA had to find to write that manual was top tier choice select dickhead plus 😙👌. The ideas they came up with were so fantastic at being annoying and destructive with plausible deniability that they must have been raised with Mozart level of child abuse paired with the perfect genes at being a real sneaky pain in the ass for pleasure. Check these out:
Fuel lines to gasoline and oil engines
frequently pass over the exhaust pipe. When
the machine is at rest, you can stab a small hole
in the fuel line and plug the hole with wax. As
the engine runs and the exhaust. tube becomes
hot, the wax will be melted; fuel will drip onto
the exhaust and a blaze will start.
Put a piece of finely grained emery
paper half the size of a postage stamp in a -place
where it will wear away rotating brushes. The
emery paper-and the motor-will be destroyed
Lin the resulting fire.
The transportation section has me lmao 🤣
See that cars are put on the wrong trains, Remove the labels from cars needing repair and put them on cars in good order. Leave
couplings between cars as loose as possible.
Make train travel as inconvenient as
possible for enemy personnel. Make mistakes in
issuing train tickets, leaving portions of the
journey uncovered by the ticket book; issue two
tickets for the same seat in the train, so that
an interesting argument will result; near train
time, instead of issuing printed tickets write
them out slowly by hand, prolonging the process
until the train is nearly ready to leave or has
left the station. On station bulletin boards
announcing train arrivals and departures, see that
false and misleading information is given about
trains bound for enemy destinations.
For this following section, they must have spied on one of my old work places because they described it perfectly:
I skimmed through that manual and laughed a lot. The level of asshole the CIA had to find to write that manual was top tier choice select dickhead plus 😙👌. The ideas they came up with were so fantastic at being annoying and destructive with plausible deniability that they must have been raised with Mozart level of child abuse paired with the perfect genes at being a real sneaky pain in the ass for pleasure. Check these out:
The transportation section has me lmao 🤣
For this following section, they must have spied on one of my old work places because they described it perfectly: