I am going to say this every comment.
Stop sending the US oil. Stop sending natural gas. Stop sending electricity. Stop sending steel and aluminum. Stop sending them rare earths. Stop sending them wood. Do it immediately. Do it now.
We will see who needs who.
Yes, this would cause economic pain in Canada. So will not doing it.
Everything above is in demand all over the world.
Frankly, every other county should attend a summit next month where we ALL agree to stop sending the US anything and stop buying anything from the US.
If America wants to isolate themselves, I say let’s go!!
If you completely block all those things you practically guarantee they invade us for “national security”.
The double edged sword of international trade, we all sink and swim together. Last time the US had an economic recession, it was felt worldwide. The last time the US had a depression WW2 happened.
There’s an old saying that when the USA sneezes, the world catches cold. What happens when it’s got syphillis and starts fucking everybody?
Uh… We… Need an adult?
Right a reasonable human would understand that but we are talking about Trump here. Most of the stuff he’s doing WILL hurt the global economy but until it starts hurting his bottom line all’s fair game to him. Same way he’s testing the waters in his own country in respect with laws.
deleted by creator
Not easy to find a new buyer overnight. The lost revenue would be devastating to the Canadian economy.
Selling things to the US is essentially the foundation of the Canadian economy.
Replace “Canada” with Sudetenland, and it’s almost literally the same quote used by Hitler…
If that stupid kid hadn’t flinched we wouldn’t be in the universe where Kirk and Spock go back and find a Nazi America.
Canada has underfunded its military for decades. Now that we have a powerful neighbour talking about anexing us, we really should start funding it more.
Yup, lets negotiate with France and Britain to let us have 5 of their nukes while we build up up our army and seek deeper integration with the future European army.
Fucking eh!
Much like Putin to Ukraine.
Don’t call it a Trade War, it’s a Stupid Economic Operation.
Who do we need protection from? The only nation that’s openly threatening Canada’s sovereignty is the one claiming we need their protection from.
I am pretty close to the Canada border, and every day is bringing new curve balls that make it harder to tell if it would be safer to stay or go. 🙀
I mean it varies on the areas, safety from fascist takeovers is ranked from lowest to highest: blue states < Canada < Europe < Australia.
I don’t think Donald Trump would launch an invasion until after the election at the soonest as he is waiting to see if the republican friendly Pierre Poilievre gets elected with a majority government. I hope our fellow voters can see past the Canadian parallel of Viktor Yanukovych.
Interesting, why do you think blue states - oh. I was reading that backwards. I’m in a blue state. 😬
Wdym Australia last, they are practically controlled by the US already
Can you elaborate?
Sorry for the late reply and thanks for the question,
The Australian 2024 national defence strategy says this: “Our Alliance with the US remains fundamental to Australia’s national security. We will continue to deepen and expand our defence engagement with the US, including by pursuing greater scientific, technological and industrial cooperation, as well as enhancing our cooperation under force posture initiatives”
US has these military facilities in Australia (and more secret ones):
“Australian Defence Satellite Communications Station – located near Kojarena 30 km east of Geraldton, Western Australia. Other U.S. bases in Australia are present and this list does not include ADF bases with U.S. access. The U.S. military has access to many ADF training areas, northern Australian RAAF airfields, port facilities in Darwin, Fremantle, Stirling naval base in Perth, and the airfield on the Cocos Islands in the Indian Ocean.” Wikipedia
US also has a Rotational U.S. Army, Navy Presence where they bring their submarines and provide financial benefits to many military services they can use (RAAF bases and the assisting in manufacturing of missiles and other weapons). There are 2500 US marines on permanent rotation
According to US gov “The United States is Australia’s defense goods and services partner of choice” and “The U.S. has over $27 billion in active government-to-government sales cases with Australia” most of Australias military equipment comes from the US including their nuclear submarines
Also most aggregiously
“As documented by CIA whistleblower Christopher John Boyce and several authors, including John Pilger,[7][4][6] as well as some Australian politicians,[8] the CIA allegedly backed Governor-General and representative of Queen Elizabeth II in Australia, Kerr, to dismiss Whitlam, due to Whitlam’s perceived left-wing policies[3] including Australian withdrawal from the Vietnam War, as well as his views on Australian sovereignty.[3] His conflict with the CIA is alleged[3] to have come to a head when he discovered several CIA-led operations occurring in Australia and overseas conducted by ASIO and ASIS, leading him to threaten cancellation of the lease on the Pine Gap facility, ending the US-led (nominally joint) operation, which was integral to the CIA’s signals interception operations in the southern hemisphere”
"In a statement to parliament on 3 April 1974, Whitlam said: “The Australian government takes the attitude that there should not be foreign military bases, stations, installations in Australia.”
He was then sacked and replaced by a more agreeing pm by the CIA Wikipedia
There are also numerous traid agreements that leads to Australia relying on US for a lot of its financial security (though it relies on China and Japan as well). And also many Australian companys are US owned/funded
This is all the research I have time to do but there are many, many more examples of American interference and control.
Edit: also America controls most of Australian media including News Corp Australia (owns most newspapers and News Corp is also the controlling shareholder of Foxtel and it owns Sky News in Australia. And much more)
also the American controlled ABC is the most visited site In Australia. And controls a lot of other media
Getting rather tired of premier trumps bullshit I wish he’d take is loosely collected provences of the non European content and fuck right off
( You can read premier as provincial leader or the guy who answers to Putin what ever catches your fancy)
He sounds like Putin
That’s an insult to Putin.
Putin is at least like a clever bully. Trump is more like a toddler holding an uzi.
Yes, Putin invaded Ukraine on the premise that people need protection from Ukrainian government.
So it’s a protection racket. Gotcha. Brought to you by the Captured States of America.
Trump has been LARPing as a mob boss his entire adult life. This makes sense.
We need to start calling them what they are, the Fascist States of America.
I’ve been calling Republicans the American Nazi Party, or Nat C (Nationalist Christian) Party
So it’s a protection racket. Gotcha. Brought to you by the
Captured StatesThe Peoples Republic of America.FTFY
Democratic People’s Republic of America.
What are we in danger of? Having too many resources that don’t belong to the US? I’m waiting for someone to wake up and realize the third time’s the charm so we can stop having to entertain this idiot.
How precise are Canada’s targeting systems? I don’t want a war with you guys because my idiot president will carpet bomb your cities…you could theoretically end this whole fiasco in 3-5 preemptive missile strikes…just putting that out there if anyone has the keys
We just need to stop sending oil and electricity. The looting and riots should take care of the rest.
Then we can launch a “peacekeeping” mission to the US. Those are our specialty.
It’s much easier for someone on the inside to do it. Less political and the successor won’t feel obligated to start/continue a war. It’s why America sends the CIA to Venezuela (et al) instead of missiles.
All right, think you can get the word up the chain? I know Canada’s got some clandestine operations…now would be a good time to use them
My uncle Gord Poutine is already on his way to DC with a box of matches.
Thanks man
Why is it every time I hear this shitstain-tan asshole go on about taking my country, all I can think of is the British of 1812 burning down the White House and a passing thought of “hang on now…”
So if you go to Washington,
Its buildings clean and niceEDIT: Seriously, though, the last time a fascist regime had their capital burned it only made the fascists stronger. You can use the imagery of a burning White House to keep yourself motivated while you participate in the boycott of American products and services and engage in other activities to help the Canadian economy weather the upcoming storm, but actually trying to burn the place would just make things worse.
This should go without saying but this is Lemmy, after all.
Please do it, we need help.
Manufacturing consent
How far off of “We have to liberate Americans in Canada from tyrannical French-Canadian rule” are we?
Trump next week: We need to invade Canada…they need help…they are forced to learn languages there, things they buy have a language on it nobody can learn… Its terrible
American speakers will be protected
Eat glass, Nazi.