That’s exactly the point. They’re trying to make it look like people want to kill him. So those that are just following the headlines and pictures make certain assumptions.
No they’re trying to make it look like an average Joe might be a threat to him. They are having him wear a vest for protection from a potential vigilante, which simply doesn’t exist.
Full shackles instead of just handcuffs as well. They’re trying to make it look like he’s a massive threat to everyone, when he clearly isn’t a threat to anyone that isn’t aeady a piece of shit profiting off the suffering of millions.
Certainly not his estranged family that didn’t even live with him. Typical CEO behavior, pursuing profit over his own family relationships. What a miserable way to live.
I never really looked into the guy tbh. Pretty sure I saw the wife release some statement about how shocked and sad she was and that was as deep as I got.
Why does he need a vest? This is the first thing both the left and right have agreed on in a long time.
The vest is bullet and stab resistant, they make violent offenders wear them in case somebody wants to hurt them.
Funny, because nobody wants to kill him. He is more likely to get a pat on the back than a bullet to the back.
Protect him from the crossfire in case an acorn falls nearby.
I get that reference. Holy shit!
Wow fantastic reference.
That’s exactly the point. They’re trying to make it look like people want to kill him. So those that are just following the headlines and pictures make certain assumptions.
Billionaires who hire someone to kill him?
No they’re trying to make it look like an average Joe might be a threat to him. They are having him wear a vest for protection from a potential vigilante, which simply doesn’t exist.
Full shackles instead of just handcuffs as well. They’re trying to make it look like he’s a massive threat to everyone, when he clearly isn’t a threat to anyone that isn’t aeady a piece of shit profiting off the suffering of millions.
Hey man, a pat on the back almost killed Rudy.
That’s because he is so fragile that he melts in a warm environment, as observed.
For the record
Protection from the elite class
There’s a few billionaires in New York who might want to take a shot at him?
Actually I doubt even the rich would take a shot at him. It’d make him a martyr.
If someone did take a shot, it’d probably be a fame seeker or someone with personal connections to the CEO.
Certainly not his estranged family that didn’t even live with him. Typical CEO behavior, pursuing profit over his own family relationships. What a miserable way to live.
Didn’t realize he was estranged with his family. Not surprised to hear that tho because yeah a lot of these guys psychos/sociopaths
You didn’t notice they only had one photo of the bastard? And it looked like a corporate lobby photo?
No photos with his wife and kid. No photos of him with friends or other family. Just the one picture like he’s posing for a yearbook.
I never really looked into the guy tbh. Pretty sure I saw the wife release some statement about how shocked and sad she was and that was as deep as I got.
Exactly. A prepared statement of what is expected, then nothing else. That’s what you do when you don’t actually care, but are supposed to.